If happiness were a ...
Submitted in response to Words Alive’s QuaranTEENS prompt, All the Feels
If happiness were a color,
it would be red, as red as the heart.
If happiness were a taste,
it would be just like pizza
If happiness were a smell,
it would be as sweet as perfume.
If happiness were tangible,
it would feel like cat’s fur.
If happiness were a sound,
it would be as joyful as the singing of a bird.
Book Cover Double | Relative Stranger: A Life After Death
Submitted in response to Words Alive’s QuaranTEENS challenge,
Book Cover Double
original cover (left), recreation (right)
What’s your favorite book? Recreate the cover and share it with us here.
If love were ...
Book Cover Double: Robin Hood (Robin dos Bosques)
Submitted in response to Words Alive’s QuaranTEENS challenge,
Book Cover Double
What’s your favorite book? Recreate the cover and share it with us here.
Book Cover Double | The Secret Diary of Adrain Mole Aged 13 3/4
Submitted in response to Words Alive’s QuaranTEENS challenge,
Book Cover Double
What’s your favorite book? Recreate the cover and share it with us here.
Submitted in response to Words Alive’s QuaranTEENS prompt, All the Feels
If rage were a color, it would be red
as red as lipstick.
If rage were a taste,
it would be just like spicy sauce.
If rage were a smell,
it would be as bad as sulfur.
If rage were tangible,
it would feel like breaking a keyboard.
If rage were a sound,
it would be as loud as me screaming.
Submitted in response to Words Alive’s QuaranTEENS prompt, All the Feels
If sadness were a color,
it would be blue, as blue as "Sadness" from the movie "Inside Out" .
If sadness were a taste,
it would be just like salt - like salty tears that pour down our cheeks when we cry.
If sadness were a smell,
it would be as moldy as an empty house, when no one is using it.
If sadness were tangible,
it would feel like an onion - we can cry when we cut it.
If sadness were a sound,
it would be as a baby crying as when he/she is in pain.
Submitted in response to Words Alive’s QuaranTEENS prompt, All the Feels
If happiness were a color,
it would be yellow, as yellow as the sun that wakes us up.
If happiness were a taste,
it would be just like sugar ́cause it makes everything feel better If happiness were a smell,
it would be as sweet as the spring.
If happiness were tangible,
it would feel like the softest blanket, that warms us in the winter.
If happiness were a sound,
it would be as melodious as the sound of nature.
drawing also by author, Carolina
Submitted in response to Words Alive’s QuaranTEENS prompt, All the Feels
drawing also by the author, Allana
If euphoria were a color,
it would be orange
as orange as the heat of adrenaline surging strongly and quickly in a small and sensitive space.
If euphoria were a taste,
it would be just like sparkling wine that bubbles in a pleasant way and takes away the sense of a harsh reality and leaves us feeling lighter.
If euphoria were a smell,
it would be as citrusy as something acidic that gives us convenient chills.
If euphoria were tangible,
it would feel like a hot body coming into contact with cold water, causing relief and rapture.
If euphoria were a sound,
it would be as soft as the sound of the laughter we provoke in the people we love.
My life matters. So does yours.
Submitted in response to The Coronavirus in Just Six Words writing prompt.
My life matters. So does yours.
April 15, 2020
Sun Blazing.
Uphill battle.
Trees stood still.
Grass, stubborn.
We ascended to the peak.
Lizards were omnipresent.
Small kicks on the way down.
Not good enough.
April 16, 2020
Refreshing burst at the summit.
It kept us moving.
Soft sway filled the sky.
As the breath of the clouds navigated the mountain.
Tranquil winds showed us the way home.
Birds followed happily.
April 20, 2020
4.5 miles of muggy air.
Pure misery.
Sun beats down on our wary bodies.
No redemption until the end.
When a grand gust shook the trees.
Blowing away our fatigue
Mocking birds celebrate in the sky.
A new trail, another day.
April 21, 2020
Trite air hung heavy.
Diminutive currents hit us, rounding the mountain.
Nothing special.
Dull, hazy.
Trees barely swayed and the grass did not try.
Birds seemed bored out of their minds.
April 22, 2020
Sizzling, no scorching.
Lizards laid relishing the sun.
While we were afflicted by headaches.
Not even a small gust came to lift us up.
It just pushed us down, down, down.
Asphalt radiated heat.
Shade didn’t help.
A miserable walk for blithering fools.
April 23, 2020
Nothing grand.
Nothing dull.
Just there.
It just was a breeze that existed on its own.
Trees danced and shimmied.
Birds sang.
We walked.
April 27, 2020
Trees danced as if it was a country hoedown.
Birds soared through the skies.
Grass jumped from side to side.
Refreshing and crisp despite the heat of the sun.
We ascended quickly.
And descended slowly savoring the gusts.
A lovely day, I wish could last forever.
A Dream Short Lived
“I wanna have the same last dream again, the one where I wake up, and I’m alive.” This is the first line from one of my favorite songs, called The Adventure, by Angels and Airwaves. It’s a song I listen to quite often, and this opening line I’ve always heard, or overlooked. But then, a crisis emerged, one that we would experience only once in our lifetimes. Before we knew it, the world ground to a halt; completely shut down. Everything we knew, and everything we did, was suddenly gone. Everything we took for granted suddenly vanished. Then, the line made sense. It had meaning to me for the first time, and I could feel its power, and how it relates to what we’re all going through now. This is the story of how one line has delivered a sincere, and clear, message.
Part 1: The Dream Itself
It all started in January, the month after the new, and infamous, Coronavirus was discovered and began to spread around the world. Everybody thought nothing of it, and we went about our daily lives. I was just having another day at my small private school, where I had been for only about a year, and I had mixed feelings about the place. By that time, I wasn’t enjoying myself anymore, and I had outgrown the small community. The school had turned to rust, because it felt like every day was the same, and the challenges were sparse. That was before the dream, when I thought that attending a private school was as good as it would get.
But then, a new possibility emerged, a new room that I hadn’t seen before. It was the end of another day, and as I got changed after physical education, I read my text messages. I found that I had the opportunity to enroll at a new school, High Tech High Mesa. At first, this different school system seemed like a distant, and near impossible, endeavor. As a matter of fact, my family had been trying to get me into this school system for years. But now, the possibility wasn’t as far away as before. There was a catch however, and that was despite my liking for the private school diminishing, I couldn’t just leave, and it was hard to part with the old school. The small music program was the hardest, as I was the lead player in the orchestra, having played cello for about six years. The other hard part to leave behind was that the school was like a large family, where everyone knew each other. It took me a few days to make my final decision, but in the end, I opted to leave my small private school behind, in light of something far more superior, and memorable.
But then I realized that my decision was one of the best ones I could have possibly made. Upon my arrival at my new school, I entered the best dream I’ve had to date. However, it was in the middle of the night. I found myself with a challenge no one else had, getting caught up. To make the situation even more difficult, I had to go to my old school to finish finals, and close out my time there. However, the process took about only two weeks, and I quickly became one of the top people, academically, in my class. All of the sudden, school seemed easy, and I actually began to like education. I used to have a rough reputation, and felt unstable at times. But now, I felt like I was on top of the world. Most importantly to me, I actually had friends at this new school, something that seemed impossible at every other school I was at before. The hands-on, project-based learning made the experience even better for me. Little did I know that this sudden change would affect something else I do outside of school.
Outside of school, I’m a model railroader, and part of a 6,000 square foot model train layout in Balboa Park, known as the La Mesa Model Railroad Club. It was a voluntary effort, and up to my point of entry at the new school, I felt pressured, and wasn’t being myself. This affected my overall performance there, and it led to inadvertent consequences. However, similar to my new school, I was now satisfied and I became more relaxed instead of stressed. The train club became yet another happy place for me, just like it was supposed to be when I first joined in 2017.
By now, I felt like I was living my life to the fullest, and became the person I originally hoped to become. My entire life was a dream, and it changed course significantly in a short amount of time. Amazingly, my life changed from a simple yes or no question, like a light switch being turned on. My life was changing, and it would be altered again far too soon, as I met an obscure disposition, one that I still don’t understand.
Part 2: Longing for Return
Unfortunately, like all dreams, this one was short-lived and I would soon find myself back in the same boat I got out of. I woke up, as if in a nightmare, on March 13th, a rainy Friday. This would be the last of my good days, as of now. While working on our small farm, during physics, I got some interesting news. The news would turn my life upside down, and take me back down the road that I hated, and didn’t want to return to. It was a different situation though, one outside of my hands, and one nobody saw coming, nor faced before. It was a situation about the Coronavirus, and two vital parts of my life were about to come to a screeching halt. By now the new Coronavirus, infamously named COVID-19, was spreading rapidly internationally. The disease was spreading violently, and unforgivingly, like the 2018 Mendocino Complex Fire in Northern California, which burned about 500,000 acres, and was deemed California’s largest wildfire. I was hearing about this virus, and its threat, but I thought it was distant, and that it wouldn’t, under any situation, spread violently. But little did I realize that my life over the next few months would be shaped around distance.
The news was from Brett, High Tech High Mesa’s principal. It was bomb-dropping, and I learned that school would be closed for 3 weeks, due to the Coronavirus, which I then learned became a pandemic, a word I had never even heard of before. It was a possibility at first, but then became much more than we all thought of. The same day, and weeks before, my new found friends and I made jokes over the virus, and it became a regular concept of humor. But then, it wasn’t a joke anymore, and everybody was caught off guard. The rain was to fall for the next week or so, bringing the end to our good weather, and the best six weeks I have ever experienced.
At first, the knowledge of being out of school for 3 weeks wasn’t any issue. But the same day, as I sat in advisory, I learned that the La Mesa Model Railroad Club was to shut down also, meaning that all I had to look forward to was nothing. Absolutely nothing, a phrase to describe complete emptiness. Then it hit me, what I once thought was never going to affect me on a personal level had suddenly done what I thought it wouldn’t. However, there was still one source I had, the beach. I began going here regularly, until its eventual shutdown a few days later. Then, the century-long weeks began, as quarantine became a reality.
As I was gone from school, I got updates from another staff member in the High Tech High community. In every update, the possibility of returning on the set date of April 7th became more and more diminished. This followed after California Governor Gavin Newsom shared his opinion on how California schools may not reopen in the 2019-2020 school year, and then the stay-at-home order not long after. Eventually I got the inevitable news, stating that we wouldn’t be returning to school on April 7th, and that school would be moving online. My confidence at this point was damaged beyond repair; written off. My life became a nasty mess, and my school was reduced to online learning, like rubble, something nowhere near what it used to be. My happiness turned to anger, and I felt this all the time.
However, what angered me most was how I felt like a cursed child. For years, I hated school, and never found it effective. I always felt down, especially through middle school, and part of 9th grade. But then a sudden change led to new beginnings, and I finally found what I was looking for, the perfect learning environment. But because of something outside of my control, it was all taken away from me. It feels like a streak of bad luck, and that the entire ongoing crisis is centered around me.
It’s hard to tell whether or not my life is a mess, or that I’ve taken a loss. On the outside, it seems like I’m doing just fine. Both my parents are still employed and receiving paychecks, I have a roof over my head, and I eat three meals a day. However, right now, my life is a tale of two worlds.
The first is the outside world, the one that makes it seem like I’m thriving, considering the current circumstances. However, nobody has to scratch the surface very far to find the reality of how I feel inside. The other world is the one deep inside of me, acting as the complete opposite, making me feel insecure, and depressed, just like I was before I joined the High Tech school system. This place is one that gets my hopes up and crushes them, as well as giving me the feeling of being cursed. While it may seem like life, externally, is far more important than what happens inside, the mental mind is one that is far more powerful, and controlling.
This simultaneous collision of two worlds reminds me of a book I read called With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo. This book talks about a teenage mom who’s a talented chef, and has experienced many ups and downs in her life. However, through the journey of a culinary arts class her senior year, Emoni, the book’s main character, experienced a dramatic change to her life. Throughout the story, she followed her culinary dreams passionately, and eventually took a trip to Spain, to further expand her knowledge about culinary arts. This experience ended up making her a far better person overall. On the outside, before, she felt over confident, and on the inside insecure. However, through culinary arts, her two worlds formed together into one. I’m hoping that the COVID-19 experience will help me grow overall, and make my two worlds form together into one, but only time will tell.
My life was great, like a dream, a new reality. But then, as it was taken away from me, I longed to return to that dream I once had. I lost everything from the Coronavirus, and it gave me much difficulty in continuing on. Unfortunately, the reality is that my life won’t ever exactly be the same, just like I want it to be. What’s disappointing is that reality always wins over a dream, but all I want to do is relive that lively dream again. Maybe someday I will, but that all depends on what you, the reader, does to change the route of this dangerous crisis.
A Letter to My Future Self
Dear Me,
Lately, our world’s been going through a lot. As I’ve been inside, mostly in solitude, I’ve done a lot of reflecting, and I’ve realized all of the little things I have taken for granted. So, if you’re reading this and you're able to be around others and roam freely, don’t forget when you couldn’t…
I hope that you’ve made friends with the reflection staring back at you. I hope that you’ve learned to be kind to yourself and have some compassion for where you are at this point in life. Most of all, I hope that you’ve learned to stop thinking, and release all of your thoughts. I hope you’ve learned to live in the moment, even just for a minute.
A minute, so easily taken for granted. You see, you tend to think that tomorrow is promised but in reality, nobody owes you another breath. Nor does anybody owe another smile, another laugh, another step. You aren’t promised anything but this exact moment in time. And by all means, please, take advantage of that moment. Spend it working towards your goals, spending time with those you love, and learning what impact you want to make. Work towards the future, and stop dwelling on the past. You are so much more than one memory.
Memories, I hope that you’ve made plenty. I hope that you’ve met some great people and left all the toxic ones. You tend to gravitate towards people who alter the way that you act, and I hope that you’ve learned to be authentically yourself. Along with that, I hope that you’ve stopped caring about people's irrelevant opinions about you. I hope that you’ve stopped longing for others' approval of who you are. I hope that you finally approve of yourself and accept all of your flaws and quirks. I know that this all seems so unrealistic, especially now. But maybe, me in the future, you have realized that these goals and hopes are in reach, and that they are possible.
I genuinely want you to figure out what you care about and who you are as a person. To do this you need to stop being so afraid of speaking up for what you believe in. Stop being so scared to show what you care about. Stop being scared to show your creative expression, whether it be art, writing, or anything else.
This one hits home right now: stop being scared to show your face. Whether this is taken literally, how it's intended, or metaphorically. You’ve always been a shy girl, scared of social interaction because of others' judgment.
Stop being so ashamed of who you are because I promise that you have absolutely no reason to be. You were created to be who you are now and then. Never was there a mistake, just a lesson, a “happy accident.” -Bob Ross
You tend to look at your mistakes like defining moments. But in reality, those mistakes are the same ones that led you to who you are today. And right now, you are so very far from perfect. I hate to break it to you, but nobody is, and you will never be. That’s 100% okay… but if I know myself the slightest, I’ll still be discouraged by “remember that one time you…”
At the end of the day, you’re a glass-half-empty type of person, always so negative. The type that only sees what’s gone wrong. Because of this, you don’t realize how much you’ve accomplished until it’s recognized, specifically by others. I hope that you’ve learned to appreciate yourself before being handed a medal for it. Because in the end, the trials and errors, tears, and sweat, are your prizes. Those are the signs that you’re getting somewhere and you’re trying. You’re pushing yourself, not staying stagnant. So push yourself, remove yourself from your comfort space. That is how you will improve.
Improve, just try. My biggest aspiration for myself is just to be a good human, one who really lives and is truly themselves. One who looks their fears in the eyes and doesn’t give them a second thought. The type of person who lives by their core values and beliefs. The type of person that you want your little brother to look up to.
I can start this today, and I’ll share this piece with those I love. Participate more in class. Give myself breaks and moments alone to do absolutely nothing. Ultimately, breathe through the stress and keep working towards my goals.
I hope that me in the future will smile at this letter and remember how far I’ve come.
—You from the past
Write your own letter using this template!
All lives, no, black lives matter.
Submitted in response to The Coronavirus in Just Six Words writing prompt.
All lives, no, black lives matter.
Take Courage: It isn't the end.
Submitted in response to The Coronavirus in Just Six Words writing prompt.
Take courage: It isn't the end.
New Life New Home New Goals
Submitted in response to The Coronavirus in Just Six Words writing prompt.
New life
New home
New goals
Social Distancing to Prevent the Spread
Submitted in response to The Coronavirus in Just Six Words writing prompt.
Social distancing to prevent the spread.
Black & Blue
Submitted in response to the All the Feels writing prompt.
If quarantine was a color it would be black and blue. its black because you are stuck inside and green because you can spend more time with your family.
Hawaii Trip 2019
On the 21st of February, 2019, I was able to go to Hawaii with one of my best friends, Kayla. We’ve known each other for 9 years, and we’re basically like sisters. In fact, we’re even both Russian. The reason we traveled to Hawaii was because we had a cheer competition there. Unfortunately, my family couldn’t go because my Grandpa had cancer, and he was living with us. My family had to stay home to take care of him. Honestly, I’m glad they didn’t go, because otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to go with my best friend, her mom and sister. They are pretty much my second mom and sister. Anyways, I’m going to get on with the trip now, so enjoy!
Day 1:
*Beep, Beep, Beep*. Oh my goodness, it's 5:30 in the morning, and I never wake up this early! I think to myself. Wait, it's time to go to Hawaii? Hooray! I can’t wait to get there, and swim in the clear blue ocean. I’m also really nervous though, because I feel like I’m going to forget something, and I really don’t want to forget anything to do with my cheer stuff.
“Sasha, time to get up”, says my mother.
“I know mom, I had an alarm you didn’t need to tell me”, I replied.
“Well hurry up, were leaving in an hour.” I’m the happiest person alive right now, it doesn’t even feel real. I'm supposed to go to school today and tomorrow, but instead I’ll be in Hawaii with my best friend.
My mom pulls up next to the drop off spot at the airport, and Kayla, Megan, Kayla’s sister, and Jeanette, Kayla's mom, get out of the car, as I hug and say my goodbyes to my mom. I love airports so much, and flying. Sometimes I get bored, but it’s just so much fun for some reason.
Wow, look at that view. I’m sitting in my seat, looking out my window at the beautiful clear waters of Hawaii. Hawaii, wow I can’t believe I’m even here right now. That flight sucked though, because it was way too long. We get off the plane, and Kayla and I are bouncing around. We have so much energy, and can’t wait to get to the hotel, and go swimming.
As soon as we get to our hotel on Waikiki beach, Kayla and I go explore. We find a lagoon and some of our friends. For the rest of the night we take it easy, and just hang around the lagoon and beach.
Day 2:
“Come on guys get up, we have to be at Hanauma Bay soon”, Jennette tells Kayla and I, who are sleeping on the pull out couch. Today is our one free day in Hawaii. The only thing we have to do for cheer is practice, but that's later in the evening. We also have a team dinner.
We all ride in this van that picked us up at the hotel, and is taking us to the snorkeling place. I love driving in Hawaii, because it's so peaceful, and there's so many things to look at and see.
When we get down to the beach, Kayla and I see some of our friends, Sophia and Andrea, who are sisters. The rest of the time at the beach was spent on snorkeling and taking photos, like any other teenage girls would do.
“Hey you're not supposed to be on the coral”, some random lady tells us. Coral? That looks like rocks. My friends and I are standing on things that look like rocks. I guess it might be coral, but I mean we didn’t know that.
Right when we get back to the hotel, we get ready for practice. We’re going to be late, which is not good. Megan and I are on the same team, 3.2. We all start running and we can’t find how to get there. We see a shortcut, and all we have to do is jump over a fence, and we’ll be there.
“Guys, no, don’t go that way we should just go around”, Megan says.
“It’s fine, I can see everyone from our gym”, Kayla replies. Kayla and I go and jump over the fence, as Megan Goes around. We make it over just fine, get to practice right on time, and about 10 minutes later, we see Megan walking over.
“Told you so”, Kayla says to her.
We just finished practice, and now we’re headed back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. All we have is an hour before we go to dinner. The dinner is just for the athletes, so Kayla’s mom doesn’t go. After we’re all finished getting ready, we walk over to the hotel that we’re all meeting at, to walk over to the restaurant. Kayla and I walked with Andrea and Sophia. We were messing around, and I told Sophia to push Andrea in the bush, because Andrea pushed Sophia.
“Ok do it now”, I say to Sophia. Sophia pushes Andrea into this tall bush with lots of leaves, and Andrea falls all the way into the bush. All you could see was her feet, and everyone started laughing.
When we get the restaurant, the four of us all sit together. We ordered lemonade, and as soon as we got them, Sophia knocked hers over.
“Oh my god Sophia”, Kayla said. We all started laughing again. During dinner, we just talked and laughed about stupid things. Once we were ready to go, Sophia put on her jacket, and then her hand hit her drink a second time, and it spilled everywhere.
Day 3:
“Girls time to get up!” Jenette tells us. It’s 8:30, and we have to be at the convention center in an hour and a half. So, it’s time to get a move on, and get ready for our competition. I’m excited, because I love competing, and it's my favorite part of cheer. It just feels so amazing to be on that stage smiling, tumbling, and stunting. My favorite part of our routine currently is the stunt where I’m the flyer. Two people throw me up as I hold on to a girl in the middle hands, do a front flip over her, and land in the other people’s hands.
After we’re done getting ready, we head over to the convention center to get our hair done there. Doing our hair for cheer is so difficult, so we usually just have someone else do it. Once we are done doing our hair, we head over to the warm ups, and start stretching and warming up all our tumbling and stunting.
“5, 6, 7, 8 hang ten”, everyone says as we’re on the stage. I hear people in the front of the stage cheering for us, and it’s the best feeling in the world. Here we go!
“Girls you all did amazing”, our coach tells us as we exit the stage to go see our parents. We really did do amazing.
“Hey, do you guys all want to go over to the mall?” someone from my team asks.
“Sure”, Megan and I say. About 9 of us head over to the mall, to get some food and relax.
When we get back to the hotel, Kayla and I change into our bathing suits, and put some shorts over them. As we head down to the lagoon, we see some of the little girls from our gym. They tag along, and we all go swimming, and do stunts. At one point, we got one of these big byclec things in the water, and we all got on it. It started sinking, since there were so many of us getting on.
We get back to the hotel from swimming, and just chill for the rest of the night. It was a tiring day, and Kayla has to compete tomorrow again. However, Megan and I’s team won’t.
Day 4:
This is our last full day in Hawaii, and I’m pretty sure Kayla and I are going to cry, when we have to leave. We love Hawaii so much, especially all the swimming we get to do. This morning, I helped Kayla do her hair, as she put on her makeup. I just threw on some shorts, and a t-shirt, with my bathing suit underneath. It’s pretty hot today.
As we drive over to the convention center, I look out the windows, and think about how much fun we’re going to have at the luau tonight.
“Here you guys are”, the Lyft driver says to us.
“Thank you”, we all say back to him as we get out of the car.
Once Kayla is done competing, we wait around for her awards. My awards were yesterday, and we got 1st place. I can’t wait to get back to the hotel, and go swimming again.
When we get back to the hotel, Kayla gets her bathing suit, and Megan and I are already in our bathing suits, so we don’t have to. Kayla’s team planned to go to the beach all together, and Megan and I’s team wanted to go to this cool pool at one of the hotels by Waikiki beach. At the hotel, we swim in the pool, and the water slide they have. Some point while we were in the hot tub, these two boys got in the hottub and we start talking to them. It was really funny, because my one friend Zoey and I kept laughing. At the end of it all, we all followed them on Tik Tok, and they followed us back (I still follow one of them to this day).
Megan and I head back to the hotel to get ready for the luau. On the way up, we run into Kayla, and so we walk up together. Once we get into the hotel room, we quickly take turns taking showers, and getting ready to go.
After we’re done, we hurry out to the spot we’re supposed to get picked up by this bus that takes us to the luau.
When we’re on the bus, the driver talks about all the food that will be at the luau, and mentions something that sounded like “boys.” Kayla and I start laughing, because it was really funny. It turns out it’s called “poy”, not “boys”.
At the luau, we take photos, because it’s right on the beach, and it’s sunset time. Once we are done doing that, we go get these really good drinks, and food. After we all finish our food, the real part starts. The people dance on stage, and at one point, when they offer the girls and women to come dance on stage, I drag Kayla with me, and hula dance there, showing us two. When the boys went on to dance, it was so funny, because they were messing around.
It’s now time to leave, and Kayla and I are so sad, because that means when we get to the hotel, we have to go to be, and our trip to Hawaii will be basically over.
Day 5:
Today is the day we have to leave, and I really don’t want to go. I just want to stay here forever, and go swimming, cliff diving, and more fun things. We only have about 2 hours before we have to leave, so Kayla, Megan, and I, all head down to the beach to get our last swim in. As we’re heading down, we see a rainbow, and a few minutes later, it turns into a double rainbow. I take a few pictures, as I’m in awe of it.
After we get back from our last swim in Hawaii waters, we take showers and pack everything up. We then head down to the gift shop, so I can get some presents for my family. For my dad, I get some Hawaii t-shirts, as if he doesn't have enough. For my mom, I choose a Hawaii smelling candle, and some lip gloss that has flowers inside. Lastly for my brother, I get him a few keychains, because he loves to put them on his backpack.
We’re now sitting on the plane, and taking in the last views of Hawaii, as we fly away back to our houses.
Due to the time change, it’s dark when we arrive home, which sucks.
“Oh my god, they got the bid”, Jenette says. In cheer, you can get bids to big competition, and for Kayla’s team they were trying to get a bid to get to Florida, and compete at Summit. Kayla starts crying in tears of joy as we tell the rest of the teammates that we’re on the plane.
As my dad drives us all back home, we tell him about all the fun adventures we had. I tell him how much I already miss it, and want to go back. I mean last night we were just at a luau enjoying Hawaii air.