Host a Crayon Supply Drive

Helping Children and Teens Connect with What They Read

Being able to read, and make a meaningful connection with what one reads, is the key to leading a full, free life. Yet many students in San Diego are at severe risk of illiteracy: 47% of San Diego County’s students are failing to meet reading and language arts standards. Jarringly, even more are struggling in historically underserved neighborhoods – the very families Words Alive prioritizes.

Words Alive creates a love of reading by combining fun, engaging books with hands-on experiences. Since March 2020, we’ve done this through Learning Kits. Learning kits are a program in a bag: each kit includes supplies to complete creative projects for multiple books read in our programs and is paired with selected books, craft materials, and guides for learners to use at home. 

Starter Kits are included in Learning Kits to help Words Alive students complete the tie-in craft activities in our programs for children, teens, and families.

We use crayons for nearly every project and we can barely keep up with demand!

Check out our step-by-step Crayon Drive Planning Guide or keep reading below to learn more about how to set up your drive.

Are you interest in helping Words Alive secure books we need for our programs? We’d love help. Contact us to see our wishlist.

Ready to get started?

Invite your community to participate in the supply drive and display collection bins in prominent areas. In-person supply drives typically run for 4 weeks. Check out these flyer templates to promote the drive.

What are your goals?

Trying to determine how many packs of crayons to collect? We can help!

Each Words Alive classroom accommodates up to 30 students, so a great way to set a goal is around how many classrooms you would like to support through this project.

For example, a project with a goal of supporting 5 class sets of Starter Kits would need to collect 150 8-packs of crayons.

Deliver to Words Alive!

When you’ve finished your Supply Drive & Parking Party, deliver the completed Starter Kits to the Words Alive office. We’re located in San Diego’s East Village at 770 Park Blvd San Diego 92101.

To schedule your drop-off appointment, please contact [email protected].

When you arrive at the Words Alive office on the corner of Park Blvd and F Street, turn right onto F Street and pull up to the garage on the right side of the mural to unload.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Words Alive?
A: Words Alive is a San Diego-based 501(c)3 nonprofit that was founded in 1999 to connects children, teens, and families to the power of reading.

Q: What is Words Alive’s Mission?
A: Our mission is to open opportunities for life success by inspiring a commitment to reading. We envision a world where everyone is connected to the power of reading and the innumerable ways that it enriches our lives.

Q: How do Starter Kits get distributed?
A: Starter Kits are distributed with our Learning Kits and giveaway books.

Q: Where do Starter Kits go?
A: Starter Kits go to children, teens, and families participating in Words Alive programming.

Q: Can we order crayons from another supplier?
A: You sure can!

Q: Does Words Alive have discounts for items?
A: Words Alive does not have discounts for items. Partners are welcome to utilize any discounts at their disposal.

Q: Can we get larger packs of crayons?
A: To ensure a standardized product we exclusively use 8-packs of crayons Starter Kits. They fit perfectly inside our pencil pouches!

Q: What if the donated items we receive in our drive don’t match what Words Alive needs? What do we do with those items?
A: Words Alive is happy to connect you with another community partner who could use the items we cannot accept.

Q: Is this gift tax-deductible? How can I get a recognition letter?
A: It sure is! Complete this form to request your letter.