Program Training
Thank you for your interest in connecting children, teens, and families with the power of reading by volunteering with one (or more) of the following programs:
Family Literacy Program
Read Aloud Program
Adolescent Book Group
Your next step is to attend a program specific training, which supports volunteers in reading engagement strategies that pull best practices from our work, research, and field-level implementation.
Please click on one of the following dates to sign up for the 1-2 hour training. Unless otherwise indicated, all program trainings are over Zoom.
Family Literacy Program (FLP)
Email [email protected] for more information about future training dates
Read Aloud Program (RAP)
Wednesday, october 16th, @11am
Monday, november 18th, @11am
Thursday, February 6th, @1pm
Email [email protected] for more information about future training dates
Adolescent Book Group (ABG)
Tuesday, November 5, 2PM-4pm
Tuesday, December 3, 2pm-4pm
Tuesday, January 14, 2pm-4pm
Tuesday, February 4, 2pm-4pm
Tuesday, March 4, 2pm-4pm
Tuesday, april 1, 2pm-4pm
if these dates don’t work for you, Email [email protected] for an asynchronous option