An image of four individuals working together and holding a thoughtful discussion.
This election year is tense with a feeling of impending change. Use this prompt to focus your feelings on something you are passionate about.
Ask yourself these questions:
WHAT kind of change do I want to see in the world?
Brainstorm! It could be a global issue such as climate change. It could be a personal challenge such as financial instability. Or it could be a challenge our communities are facing, such as the care necessary for our elderly. No issue is too large or too small for you to bring your attention to. Don’t worry about ranking them in importance.
Let yourself focus on that one issue and ask yourself the following.
WHERE are the places that this change could take place?
These could be physical locations such as hospitals. Or they can be places within the person, such as someone's heart, soul, or belief system. To continue my example, for our elderly to receive better care, I can propose that all nursing homes should be fitted with Nintendo 64’s to provide enrichment.
WHO do you need for this change to happen?
Try to identify people who are affected by this change. Who may feel like they gain from this change? Who may feel like they lose from this change? Who may not realize they are affected by this change?
WHEN would this change take place?
This could be in the sense of time or condition. Today? Tomorrow? When x does 1,2,3? For example, when nursing homes (x) fit every room with Nintendo 64’s (1) and give grandma chocolate everyday (2), elder care will be better.
WHY would/should/could this change happen?
What would motivate the people and institutions needed to make this change happen?
Write now about the change you wish to see right now!
This prompt was written by Marcus Weber, a Words Alive Volunteer