Words Alive First Annual Stakeholder Meeting

Looking Forward with Words Alive

Words Alive is hosting our first Annual Stakeholder Meeting to share some of the exciting new ways we are fulfilling our mission, to open opportunities for life success by inspiring a commitment to reading. We value our partners, volunteers, and other stakeholders but are so often so busy with day-to-day business that we don't have the opportunity share opportunities on the close horizon.

Please join us to learn more about the importance of our work and the significance of your support. The Words Alive First Annual Stakeholder Meeting will be taking place on Tuesday, February 28th from 6-7 pm at La Jolla Country Day School, Community Hall. Click here for directions.

If you are interested in attending, please RSVP by Wednesday, February 15th. You can RSVP by filling out this form. We look forward to seeing you there!

Katie Collins - Words Alive Volunteer of the Month - January 2017

Please join us in congratulating Katie Collins Words Alive Volunteer of the Month for January 2017!

Katie began volunteering with Words Alive in October of this year. She is a full-time student at the University of San Diego, studying English, history, and education.  She joined us for the fall semester as an intern to help develop our Adolescent Book Group Program curriculum – a great learning opportunity for her, and a great help for the program!  She has been a wonderful addition, diligent in helping develop the program’s online content and web page, and creative with the advancement of our curriculum guides which we use program-wide to facilitate book group discussions in the classroom.  This January she will be traveling outside of the country to study abroad and has dedicated some time to continue her support of the program.

Katie, you have been such a professional and impressive volunteer intern, and we are so appreciative of the hard work you have done and continue to do for the Adolescent Book Group Program and for our organization.  Thank you!

Check Out the Volunteer of the Month Interview with Katie Below!

Katie, tell us a little about yourself! 
I am a junior at the University of San Diego, born and raised in Tucson, Arizona. I am double majoring in English and History with a minor in Education, and my dream is to teach in an underserved, urban area in the United States. My favorite things to do include reading, yoga, rock climbing, and trying out new coffee shops. I will be spending the next five months in Buenos Aires, Argentina in a study abroad program, living with a host family, and taking all of my classes in Spanish, which will be extremely challenging for me but equally rewarding. 

How long have you been volunteering with Words Alive, and how did you get involved? 
4 months - I googled foundations or organizations in San Diego where I could combine my love of reading with the goal of promoting literacy with a classroom element. Words Alive was the first result, and I looked into our website and contacted Christina immediately!

What is the most rewarding aspect of your volunteer service with Words Alive?
So far my favorite contribution has been the opportunity to read and analyze The Glass Castle for the Teen Services program where I intern with Theresa. This memoir was so powerful and one of my favorite books I read in 2016. I loved being able to create a curriculum guide from scratch, knowing that my work would directly influence and guide classroom discussions among the in-class volunteers and students of the program. It excites me that the schools we work with are departing from the purely Eurocentric literary canon in favor of more contemporary and diverse material, which is all the more poignant and crucial to promote, now more than ever.

And, by the way, what are you reading lately?
I am currently reading Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi, which was published about six months ago, and I recommend it to anyone and everyone! It follows two sisters in the late eighteenth century from a village in Ghana. One marries a slave-trader, and one is sold into slavery. I am almost finished with it, and I have no doubt that it is one of the best books that I have ever read. It is so important to promote own voice narratives and diverse literature. I cannot promote this novel enough.

Why You Should Invest in Early Childhood Literacy

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At Words Alive, we see first-hand the value of early education programs through our work with preschoolers, early elementary school-aged children, and their families in our Read Aloud and Family Literacy Programs. But what are the tangible and measurable long-term benefits to programs such as these?

While there is research showing that high-quality early education programs are valuable, especially for disadvantaged children, there wasn’t much research that analyzed the long term effects of these programs until recently. Nobel Laureate James Heckman and co-authors Jorge Luis Garcia, Duncan Ermini Leaf, and Maria Jose Prados have published a new paper, The Life-Cycle Benefits of an Influential Early Childhood Program, that answers this question.

The researchers analyzed two early education programs in North Carolina - the Carolina Abecedarian Project (ABC) and the Carolina Approach to Responsive Education (CARE) - both of which work with children from eight weeks old to age five. The programs collected data on the participants on a whole range of factors, including health, quality of life, participation in crime, labor income, IQ and education, and the researchers continued to follow-up with participants through the age of 35.

Through doing this research, Heckman and his colleagues discovered the many ways in which these programs provide long-term benefits to both the participants and to the greater community. Some of the benefits that individual participants experienced compared to a control group were: more developed social and emotional skills (including self-control and the ability to monitor), increased education, reduced health care costs, reduced crime, greater earnings, and higher IQ. The children also had access to health screenings as part of the programs and were therefore more likely to be physically healthier.

“What is turning out from this body of research is that promoting engagement of children, their cognitive and non-cognitive skills, boosting their IQs, at the same time boosting their social engagement, their willingness to participate in society, monitoring their health from an early age, is having huge benefits downstream for the rest of their lives.”

In terms of benefits for the greater community, the researchers found that these early education programs not only benefited the children but also allowed their parents to live fuller, healthier lives. Especially in single-parent homes, access to quality childcare allows single parents to pursue work and education opportunities that might not have otherwise been possible.

In addition, when looking at larger societal issues such as crime rates, you can start to see how these early education programs have the potential to influence the greater society. Heckman argues that we tend to look at these problems and search for solutions in a very limited way, by “looking at one problem at a time and one solution very closely linked to that problem.” From Heckman’s research, we know that the children in these early education programs exhibit lower crime rates compared to their peers in the control group. As such, maybe programs such as these can start to be viewed as bigger picture solutions to these very specific issues affecting society.

There is no doubt that these high-quality early education programs are expensive. But Heckman argues that although the programs are costly up-front, when you consider all of the benefits that these programs provide and monetize those benefits, what you’re left with is a return of 13% per annum on the original up-front investment in the program. This is a huge return on investment.

At Words Alive, we like to say that when everyone can read, whole communities thrive. When you are investing in Words Alive and the programs that we offer, you are investing in the futures of the children participating in our programs and a future society that is healthier and more fulfilled. And as it turns out, investment in early childhood education programs, such as our Read Aloud and Family Literacy Programs, is one of the best investments you can make!

Read more about James Heckman and his research here: http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2016/12/12/504867570/how-investing-in-preschool-beats-the-stock-market-hands-down

Winter Yearick - Words Alive Volunteer of the Month - December 2016

Winter Yearick.jpg

Please join us in congratulating Winter YearickWords Alive Volunteer of the Month for December 2016!

Winter joined the Words Alive family earlier this year, and has jumped right in!  She began her involvement participating with the organization’s Event Committee, and was an invaluable source of support at the event in October. Winter exhibited such positivity and professionalism while monitoring the event’s silent auction.  She stayed past her shift to ensure the event wrapped up smoothly, and calmly handled all aspects of the closeout that were passed her way.

On top of volunteering for the luncheon, Winter shared her love of reading by supporting the Adolescent Book Group Program. Over the summer, while school wasn't in session, she volunteered to review books to add to our curriculum list. Reviewing books for our curriculum list allows for more options for our teachers.  This is how we learn of great books to share with our students and thus, enhance our program.

Winter, thank you for your time and dedication to Words Alive. Every little detail, and second of your time is appreciated.  We're grateful to have you on the Words Alive volunteer team!

Check Out the Volunteer of the Month Interview with Winter Below!

Winter, tell us a little about yourself! 
I’m a business professional originally from the East Coast, but love being in San Diego now. Most of my time is divided between work and my family, but I try to find time to enjoy all that the area has to offer. I also love to cook and read in my spare time.

How long have you been volunteering with Words Alive, and how did you get involved? 
I started volunteering in July of this year, so I’m still a newbie to the group!  I wanted an organization that I could relate to and felt passionate about their cause. I’ve always been a big reader and want others to share in my love of books, so when I saw Words Alive pop up in an email from someone I was intrigued. The more I read about the organization and the more I learned about the challenges the San Diego community faces, the more strongly I felt to get involved. I reached out to the group, and here I am now!

What is the most rewarding aspect of your volunteer service with Words Alive?
I really enjoyed seeing the fundraiser come together. To see so many people come together who feel passionately about literacy and opportunities for our youth is inspiring, and reminds me that we all have the ability to make a positive impact on someone else’s life. Surrounding myself with other people who want to make a difference has been the most rewarding part for me.

And, by the way, what are you reading lately?
I’m currently working my way through the Tess Gerritsen ‘Rizzoli and Isles’ series. I’m on a murder mystery kick at the moment, but I’m also reading ‘Helen of Troy’ by Margaret George on the side- it helps to balance out the scary!

#LetsReadSD with the San Diego Council on Literacy

Did you know Words Alive is a proud affiliate of the San Diego Council on Literacy (SDCOL)?

For the past 30 years, the SDCOL has worked to bring awareness to the literacy cause in San Diego by uniting the community through advocacy, partnerships, resources, and coordination. As a convener, the SDCOL also brings together 30 affiliate literacy providers from across the county for networking, professional development, and resource sharing.

These opportunities have undoubtedly benefited Words Alive by connecting us with expertise of other passionate providers doing whatever it takes to create a more literate San Diego. And together, we certainly achieve more. Last year, the 30 affiliate partners of the SDCOL delivered no-cost literacy-building services to more than 170,000 children, youth, and adults across San Diego.

One of the central goals of the SDCOL is to instill the importance of literacy in the region. On that front, in 2014 the SDCOL spearheaded a Region that Reads campaign fostering partnerships with the 19 mayors of San Diego County in which each would support the work of the SDCOL. It also encouraged mayors to designate a liaison from each city to ensure greater connectivity and communication between the cities and literacy providers on the ground. Words Alive is proud to have contributed towards this effort as a member of the public policy committee. The SDCOL also shares resources with its affiliate programs, where most recently, the SDCOL contributed to our Read Aloud Program with a donation of new, high-quality children's books that will be distributed through our program-wide giveaway later this month.

Currently, the SDCOL is promoting their #LetsReadSD campaign to empower individuals to share their love of reading on social media. We encourage you to "get caught reading" this month, and learn more about the SDCOL and its affiliate programs to see the amazing work we do together!

Click here for more information about the San Diego Council on Literacy and its affiliated programs, and on the image below for more on the SDCOL's #LetsReadSD campaign.

The Gift of Reading

Literacy is the foundation of our success. It allows us to learn, to teach, and to make change in the community. Our three programs tackle literacy issues among children, teens, and families, each with the shared goal of creating life-long learners. Establishing a commitment to reading gives individuals the confidence to change their communities and take charge of their life.

Our programs inspire a commitment to literacy early in life so children and teens do not remain illiterate into their adult lives. Our Read Aloud Program sends trained volunteers into elementary classrooms and engages children with stories. Teen Services ensures young adults have a space to discuss novels and can pursue higher education with our Westreich Scholarship Program. The Family Literacy Program empowers parents to make reading a priority in their home and teaches effective methods of doing so. Each of our programs aims to prevent illiteracy later in life by engaging children, teens, and families with reading early on in their development.

Words Alive is proud to offer these programs that empower participants in all stages of life. In order for us to continue giving the gift of reading, we need your generosity and support. This holiday season, when reading a card, your favorite novel, or this blog post, be thankful for the opportunities you had to become a developed reader. Help Words Alive create this same experience for others in San Diego by making a donation. Your generosity will help advocate for literacy and allow us to give the gift that keeps on giving. 

Literacy is important; it is the foundation of success in our society, and Words Alive strives to ensure we all have the same opportunities to achieve our goals.

Support Words Alive with AmazonSmile

Love using Amazon for your online shopping needs and also love helping Words Alive? You can do both! AmazonSmile allows any account holder to give 0.5% of their purchases to a charity of their choice. It's a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no extra cost to you. When using AmazonSmile, you'll find the same great low prices, wide selection, and convenient shopping experience as you do on Amazon.com. The extra benefit: giving back to your favorite organization!

Getting started is simple, too. Visit smile.amazon.com and log in using your regular Amazon account, then choose Words Alive as the organization you'd like to support. Tens of millions of items are marked as "Eligible for AmazonSmile donation" on their product detail page, making it easy for you to give back to Words Alive. We encourage you to use AmazonSmile whenever shopping online, but we've set up a special holiday wishlist just in time for Cyber Monday!

Here's how to find the wishlist: once logged into your AmazonSmile account, hover over the Lists tab in the upper right-hand corner near the Cart. Click "Find a List or Registry," and type in Words Alive to the search bar. Check the sidebar on the left to make sure you're looking at our holiday book wishlist, then begin shopping! You can choose to have the books shipped directly to us, or you can send them to your home and drop them off in our office Monday through Thursday from 9am-3pm. 

Find great deals online on Cyber Monday and help support Words Alive while you shop. The books featured on our wishlist will be used in our Adolescent Book Group, Read Aloud, and Family Literacy programs and help inspire a life-long commitment to literacy. Purchasing books on Cyber Monday and donating them to Words Alive will help us give the gift of reading this holiday season!


Kathryn Kelly - Words Alive Volunteer of the Month - November 2016

Please join us in congratulating Kathryn Kelly Words Alive Volunteer of the Month for November 2016!

Kathryn Kelly, University of San Diego senior, joined our team in September as the Development and Events Intern. Kathryn is incredibly organized in her approach to event management. She helped create all Social Media content for the 13th Annual Words Alive Author’s Luncheon including the beautiful slide show presentation at the event. She also helped organize in-kind donations for the raffle and silent auction. Kathryn’s ability to see what work needs to be done and accomplish the tasks at hand has been incredibly helpful in ensuring our success in raising support and awareness for Words Alive. Kathryn will complete her internship with Words Alive by helping us with our #GivingTuesday campaign. An opportunity for us to continue the excitement started at the luncheon and remind people that they can “Give the Gift of Reading” this year.

Check Out the Volunteer of the Month Interview with Kathryn Below!

Kathryn, tell us a little about yourself! 
I’m a senior at University of San Diego, where I’m majoring in Communications with double minors in Sociology and Marketing. If it wasn’t obvious by what I study, I’m definitely a people person! I get my energy from being around others and hearing their stories. When I’m not working or in class, I love hiking or being at the beach. I try to make it to the beach in some capacity at least once a week! I hope to pursue a career in corporate event planning or public relations, and interning at Words Alive has helped me take steps towards that goal.

How long have you been volunteering with Words Alive, and how did you get involved? 
I began as the Events and Development Intern at Words Alive in September.  I was initially drawn to this position because it gave me the opportunity to get experience in event planning and marketing. I loved that Words Alive works with children, teens, and families and supports a cause I care about. Half of my family is made up of teachers and principals, so education and literacy have always been close to my heart!

What is the most rewarding aspect of your volunteer service with Words Alive?
I love that I’m able to gain experience in so many different areas. I’ve been able to see how a big fundraiser is planned, what approaches are successful in marketing certain events, and the importance of relationship building in non-profit work. The most rewarding moment so far was seeing the Author’s Luncheon came together. I thought the event was such a success, and it was very rewarding to see all of the pieces fall into place. So much detail, attention, and hard work was put into the luncheon by a huge number of people, and being a small part of that team was really rewarding.

 And, by the way, what are you reading lately?
I’m currently reading a lot of textbooks, but I try to squeeze in some fun reading when I can! The book I most recently finished was Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee. I loved it!


Give the Gift of Reading

On November 29, Words Alive participated in a global day of giving, #GivingTuesday. We used this day focused on charity to kick-off our holiday campaign that will continue through the end of 2016. In order to continue inspiring a life-long commitment to reading, Words Alive needs your help to give books, volunteer, or make a donation. This holiday season, help us give the gift of reading to children, teens, and families all across San Diego.

Here's how you can help:
Give Books -- Like many of you, Words Alive has a holiday wishlist! We've compiled a list of books for our literacy programs that we believe our participants will love. We've partnered with Warwick's to ensure that all listed titles are available at their La Jolla location or online at www.warwicks.com. Our office will be accepting book donations Monday through Thursday from 9am-3pm, starting now!

Volunteer -- We are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help out our organization. You'll be given the opportunity to serve on a committee, work in our office, or become part of one of our three literacy programs. To learn more about becoming a volunteer, visit our volunteer page.

Make a Donation -- Words Alive relies on your generous donations to fund our programs and community outreach. Making a donation will help support our Read Aloud, Teen Services, and Family Literacy programs and allow us to give the gift of reading throughout 2017. Help us to continue bringing our community together through literacy and show that reading matters!

Words Alive is excited to be using #GivingTuesday as a platform for kicking off our holiday campaign. We look forward to receiving books, enlisting volunteers, and generating donations throughout the rest of 2016. The impact you make now will allow us to broaden our reach in 2017. Thank you!


Making an Impact in the Community


At Words Alive, our mission is to open opportunities for life success by inspiring a commitment to reading. Since 1999, we have set our sites on improving literacy in San Diego County and giving children the tools they need to become great readers.

This past June, Words Alive awarded $30,000 in scholarships to 11 outstanding former Adolescent Book Group participants with our Westreich Scholarship Program. The award recipients were invited to join us at our 13th Annual Author's Luncheon on October 19th. Diana Gonzalez Soto, one of the scholarship recipients and luncheon attendees, posted on social media about how the event and Jodi Picoult's conversation resonated with her.

I did not expect the author of Small Great Things to be so blunt about race and racism while being aware of her privilege in being white. I am happy I was able to hear her opinion on the topic of race, as she mentioned most white people don’t like to discuss that topic...I love that she mentioned that she didn’t write this book for people like me (people of color), we don’t need to be told of this, we live it! #bookschangelives

During the author Q&A, Jodi Picoult mentioned that our book shelves are a reflection of ourselves and our world. She encouraged everyone in attendance to go home and take a look at the authors they read. What is the color of their skin? What is their economic background? Are they similar to us, or different? We tend to surround ourselves with people who look like us and come from similar backgrounds, but imagine the possibilities if we embraced those who are different! By choosing to read about the experiences of those who are different from us, we can expand our knowledge and have a better understanding of the world around us. Soto's reflection reminds us that we can find common ground with anyone, even those who appear to live very different lives from our own. 

Words Alive strives to bridge this gap and create opportunities for different groups to come together in collaboration. We want to build stronger readers, life-long learners, and encourage children and teens to be a voice of change within their communities.

I am fortunate enough to be part of this organization that is helping me in many aspects of my life, most importantly in my desire and need to continue a higher education.
— Diana Gonzalez Soto