Activities by Category
How has media played a role in your life regarding the ongoing pandemic?
Take a moment to reflect on the word "home." What does it mean to you? What makes your home different from someone else's? How has the pandemic changed your idea of home?
Write in your journal about the power of perseverance. What have you learned by persevering? How will this mindset help you in your future career? What is your dream job?
What worries are you experiencing now? How are you currently coping?
Cook a masterpiece with just a few ingredients and some creativity in this edition of QuaranTEEN Kitchen. Don’t forget to make it lit and write about your experience!
As states slowly start to proceed forward, what are some adjustments you’ve made that are part of your daily routine now? Are there things you do now that you didn’t do before the pandemic?
“Sadly, there is no one we treat as badly as we treat ourselves,” Kristin Neff, who researches compassion, says. Let’s fix that and practice some self love and compassion!
Did you know, the simple act of expressing gratitude can actually raise our happiness levels? It’s true! Research shows that when we choose to focus on the gifts in our lives, we experience improvements in our health and overall well-being. Make it Lit and start a gratitude journal!
Big feelings? Let it RAIN: Recognize, Allow, Interact with others, New wave.gs? Let it RAIN: Recognize, Allow, Interact with others, New wave. Learn more about this mindfulness practice to help manage emotions.
COVID-19 has rewritten our lives in a way that we never expected. It has flipped our world upside down and made us rethink everything. We can take this idea to our creative writing, too. For today’s prompt, retell a well-known story, but flip the script and throw in an unexpected twist.

Find the full QuaranTEENS archive here.
Videos by Category
Nara Duffie completed her first novel, The Monster Realm, 11 days before her 11th birthday. In this TED Talk, she gives advice on how to write your own story!
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