Page Turners — Words Alive

Join the Words Alive Page Turners!

At Words Alive, we receive dozens of book recommendations from our volunteers, teachers, and community partners for titles they think would be a strong fit for our programs. We pride ourselves on selecting the most contemporary, diverse, relevant, and engaging texts we can get our hands on for our programs.

That’s where passionate readers, like you, come in! By reading and reviewing titles from our recommendation list, you help us determine which books should be added to our program curriculum and taught in classrooms across our programming.

And the best part? You can get started today from the comfort of your favorite reading spot!

1. First things first!

Sign up for Page Turners:

2. Next, browse our book selection

You can check out all the books we need reviews for (and filter them for intended age, author and more on desktop) here:

You can also browse them at our affiliate site, for every purchase you make through this page, Bookshop donates 10% back to Words Alive!

3. After you choose a book, sign up to read it

Once you’ve found a book (or books) that you’re excited to read, sign up to read it here. Don’t forget to keep track of approximately how many hours it takes you to read, because we’ll ask for that info in your review.

4. Tell us what you thought!

After you read the book, first gather your thoughts, then fill out the review form:

Page Turner Books of the Month:

Want to donate your Page Turners books? Just ship them to our office address below and we will pass them on to kids and families in need.

770 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101