Art & Lit Exhibit: "The Radius of All of Us”
“The Radius of All of Us” is a unique exhibition inspired by Marie Marquardt’s The Radius of Us, designed by community artist Sue Britt, facilitated by Words Alive, and created by students attending alternative schools from North County to the border.
Through creative writing and art, students connect the novel to the world as they explore themes of perception and transformation and grapple with the complex issues of trauma and immigration.
Each student’s radius, created on translucent paper, will come together with their peers’ work to form a phoenix – a mythological bird reborn from its ashes – a symbol of how trust and sharing with others can lead to personal growth and transformation.

As we connect Phoenix’s immigration experience in The Radius of Us to what’s happening in our world, we are doing our small part to help those seeking asylum in our community.
We’re collecting donations of new socks and underwear — the items most requested by people crossing the border. All youth sizes and men’s and women’s size small are needed. The clothing will benefit families staying at the Jewish Family Service shelter for asylum seekers.
Please bring your donation to the Words Alive office or the exhibition June 5.
Art and Literacy Sponsorship
We need your support to make this possible. For more information on sponsorship contact Susan Arias, Development Director, (858) 274-9673 or [email protected].