Program Highlights

Social Emotional Learning: Forgiveness

By Yael Lorberfeld, Blog Volunteer

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Forgiveness Comes with a Life Present

A lot has been said, but maybe not enough, about the need for attention to Social Emotional Learning in the educational system. Words Alive is following in the footsteps of the "Choose Love Program," which is working to integrate Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)  in schools. They designed an enrichment program that aims to help children acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to recognize and regulate emotions, have a positive goal, have empathy for others, build positive relationships, and ultimately make responsible decisions.

"The Choose Love Program" believes that this task is possible when kids master the four pillars of their program, which are: Gratitude, Courage, Compassion, and Forgiveness. 

Forgiveness is one of the four pillars because it can liberate us and give us a better emotional state.

Forgiveness and Mental Heath

According to Psychology Today (2020), forgiveness is vital for mental health. To become emotionally free, it is important to create a separation from a conflictive situation and the self.  This way, resentment can be released. It helps people to be able to move ahead rather than keeping the emotional involvement in injustice or trauma

Brain Activity

In the physical scope, carrying the hurt or anger of an offense leads the body to release stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. Research has repeatedly linked health benefits to the reduction of stress. Eliminating the continuous flow of those hormones may explain why forgiveness yields to better health, such as lowering high blood pressure and heart problems. "There is a connection between forgiveness and mood improvement, optimism, as well as a shield against anger, stress, anxiety, and depression." (Psychology Today, 2020)

Life experiences with trustworthy people or with betrayal influence the range of how much a person will be forgiving. According to Heidi Moawad, MD (2018), forgiveness physically alters the brain's wiring. "It leads from the misery of a broken promise to wellness that builds new neuron pathways into physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being." It is outstanding how forgiveness or the lack of it influences our brain functions. 

Forgiveness and Healing

Tamara Levitt (2013, 2020) affirms that even though forgiving someone might be difficult, it is incredibly healing. She emphasizes that forgiveness is not about justice, it’s about freedom. In this process, we often find that strong negative emotions towards a person who wronged us can soften, even for just a little. One technique she recommends is to take time to feel compassion for the events in the offender's life that brought that person to act the way they did. If so, there might be a shift in our perception. It might help to remember that everyone has their own challenges. She suggests following this practice, even if it is only to help stop the continuous harm of anger and resentment. 

Steps towards Forgiveness

Psychologist Robert Enright (2011) outlines four Steps of Forgiveness. 

  • The first is the recognition of your anger by exploring how you've addressed or avoided the emotion. 

  • The second is a choice. It is the decision to forgive, regardless of the offender.

  • The third is to cultivate forgiveness by developing compassion for the offender. 

  • Finally, the last step is to release the harmful emotions and reflect on how you may have grown from the experience and the act of forgiveness itself.

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Some of the books on the Words Alive curriculum list that touch on the path towards understanding forgiveness are: 

The Astonishing Color of After by Emily X. R. Pan

The Astonishing Color of After is the first book by Emily X.R. Pan's. In it, the topics of emotions, grief, and forgiveness are skillfully treated with the combination of fantasy and reality, using a very artistic approach. The book explores the passage of healing and the inner magic that can happen when we believe. 

Leigh Chen Sanders goes to Taiwan to meet her grandmother, for the first time, in search of answers, after her mother committed suicide. She believes her mother turned into a beautiful bird after her passing. In the story, she searches for clarity and closeness with her; she finds herself chasing after ghosts, uncovering family secrets, and forming a new relationship with her grandparents. It is a novel about love, forgiveness, and self-discovery through family history.

Harbor Me, by Jacquelin Woodson

This book is about six kids that gather in weekly conversations in a classroom with no adults. They talk about their difficulties and find a space to feel safe and grow. When the six are together, they can express their feelings and fears they hide from the rest of the world. This way, they rise braver for the rest of their lives. They discuss topics related to family problems like parent incarceration, racial profiling, and adaptation to change. It is a story about braveness, forgiveness, and friendship.

Hey, Kiddo, by Jarrett J. Krosoczka

Hey, Kiddo is a memoir of a boy trying to make sense of his life with an addict mother, and a father who he doesn’t know. Krosoczka shows how he came to understand, through a gradual process, his parents' personal issues, as he was simultaneously forming his own identity. Living with his grandparents, he discovered the love for art, which lead him to write this book. It is a story about discoveries, growing up, forgiveness, and the use of art as a means to express and elaborate.

Through forgiveness, we can encounter a freer way to live, an emotional space from conflict, brain and body reduction of harmful stress hormones, and ultimately wellbeing, which can become a present of health and happiness to our life.

Learn more about the SEL topics of Gratitude, Courage, and Compassion.



Social Emotional Learning: Compassion

By Joanna Kneller, Blog Volunteer

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Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is an initiative that teaches children specific skills and behaviors to help them manage emotions, make better decisions, create and achieve goals, and treat others with kindness. By practicing these vital skills, children are able to successfully cope with daily challenges and can thrive both inside and outside the academic environment.

The nonprofit organization, Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement™, supports SEL by educating children about their thoughts, and how they can change angry thoughts into loving thoughts. Their signature program, The Choose Love Enrichment Program™, integrates SEL to teach students to choose love in any circumstance through self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

The Choose Love program curriculum focuses on four character pillars: Courage, Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Compassion. Today we will talk in detail about compassion.

What is Compassion?

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” 

—Leo Buscaglia (author and educator aka "Dr. Love"

The fourth "Choose Love" pillar is compassion in action. The Program Overview defines compassion in action as:

"Compassion has two components: the first is empathy, which means putting yourself in someone else's shoes and trying to feel what that person feels, and the second is action, which means helping someone in need and performing acts of kindness without expecting anything in return. Compassion in action is the understanding of a problem or suffering of another and acting to solve the problem or alleviate the suffering."

Before children take compassionate action, it's important they understand the meaning of empathy, which can often be confused with sympathy. The Choose Love Program Educator Guide indicates that, Daniel Goleman, emotional intelligence researcher and thought-leader, suggests that there are three types of empathy: cognitive, emotional and compassionate. … It further states that, “… Empathy skills lay the foundation for communication, problem-solving, conflict resolution, impulse control, relationship skills and leadership skills. …” (Source)

The Choose Love program teaches children necessary empathy skills they can use to support and connect with one another in a compassionate manner.

Why is it Important to Teach Compassion in the SEL Movement?

Teaching students about compassion is vital. The school environment alone can be extremely stressful. Some children struggle to make friends and are often ignored, excluded, and teased or bullied by other students. Many children feel pressured to perform well in class while also dealing with difficult issues at home.   

Children need the support of their peers, teachers, and parents. And compassion plays a major role in building these connections and relationships by teaching children to think about how others are feeling and what they can do to help them.

It's also critical for students and teachers to participate in open discussions and practice activities within the classroom to demonstrate how students can apply their newly learned skills. For example, if a classmate appears to be upset, how can the other students respond in a supportive manner? Or, if a student sees another student struggling, what are some ways to show kindness to that person?

By talking freely in a safe environment, children become more comfortable expressing their feelings and paying attention to other students' feelings, which in turn, helps build empathy. The activities performed within the classroom prepare children to behave appropriately in real-life situations.

Showing compassion towards others is highly beneficial to all involved, and those who practice it will experience:

• Enhanced connections and relationships

• Ability to respond in a kind and loving manner

• Improved social skills

• Social and moral awareness

And one of the greatest benefits is that compassionate children become compassionate adults! 

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That's why we at Words Alive are following in Choose Love’s footsteps by focusing on Social Emotional Learning, and compassion specifically, in our programming this year. These are a few of the books we’re reading and discussing with students that focus on compassion:

A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi

It’s 2002, a year after 9/11. It’s an extremely turbulent time politically, but especially so for someone like Shirin, a sixteen-year-old Muslim girl who’s tired of being stereotyped… But then she meets Ocean James. He’s the first person in forever who really seems to want to get to know Shirin. It terrifies her—they seem to come from two irreconcilable worlds—and Shirin has had her guard up for so long that she’s not sure she’ll ever be able to let it down.

Ivan: The Remarkable True Story of the Shopping Mall Gorilla by Katherine Applegate and G. Brian Karas (Illustrator)

Captured as a baby, Ivan was brought to a Tacoma, Washington, mall to attract shoppers. Gradually, public pressure built until a better way of life for Ivan was found at Zoo Atlanta. From the Congo to America, and from a local business attraction to a national symbol of animal welfare, Ivan the Shopping Mall Gorilla traveled an astonishing distance in miles and in impact. This is his true story and includes photographs of Ivan in the back matter.

Little Quack's New Friend by Lauren Thompson and Derek Anderson  (Illustrator)

One day when Little Quack is playing in the pond, he hears the strangest noise in the distance. He listens closely along with his siblings, Widdle, Waddle, Piddle, and Puddle, only to find that it's a frog in their pond. The other ducklings aren't so sure about taking this new guy under their wings, but Little Quack is determined to make a new friend, no matter how different he may be! In no time at all, everyone is squishing in the mud, splunking on lily pads, and quacking up a splash in the spirit of friendship!

Learn more about the SEL topics of Gratitude, Courage, and Forgiveness.


Words Alive Scholar Abroad: Kathmandu, Nepal!

Domminiece (right) is sitting with a fellow student. They are both smiling at the camera and have red dots on their foreheads.

Domminiece (right) is sitting with a fellow student. They are both smiling at the camera and have red dots on their foreheads.

Over the winter break, two of our Words Alive Westreich Scholars had the amazing opportunity to take their studies abroad for a few weeks! Domminiece Willis is one of our star scholars and is about to graduate from San Diego State University with a degree in Child Development. We are so thrilled that Domminiece had this opportunity!

Hear more about the trip from Domminiece herself!

Where did you study abroad?

Kathmandu, Nepal.

What similarities and difference did you notice between your study abroad location and San Diego?

A few similarities that I noticed about Kathmandu that reminded me of San Diego was how busy nightlife is. Exploring through the streets to go shopping and seeing all the shops, bright lights, loud music, and the sea of people reminded me of the Gaslamp during the weekends. Another similarity was artwork. There is artwork throughout the streets of Kathmandu and you can find the same with San Diego whether it be graffiti, murals, or colorful walls. There were many differences between Kathmandu and San Diego - one big difference is there are mini rivers throughout the city. Animals like chickens, goats, and cows (which are considered sacred here) can be see being walked by their owners, or sitting or walking freely throughout the streets.

A selfie of Domminiece walking next to a cow. Domminiece has a huge smile on her face.

A selfie of Domminiece walking next to a cow. Domminiece has a huge smile on her face.

What did you learn while you were there?

I have learned so much about religion, the Nepalese language, how to cook traditional Nepalese dishes, how to do wood carving, and how to find enlightenment and properly mediate by a monk.

What was your favorite part of the experience?

My favorite part of my Nepal experience was going to two different secondary schools and teaching the children about how to take care of their mental and emotional health. Another highlight was getting three large trash bags of clothing together with the other students on the trip and sending it to Maiti Nepal, an organization dedicated to reducing and protecting Nepali girls and women from crimes like domestic violence, trafficking for flesh trade, child prostitution, child labor and various forms of exploitation and torture.

What was the most challenging part?

The most challenging part of the experience was visiting Maiti Nepal. Once we arrived we went into a board room and watched a 5-min video about the organization, there were a few testimonies in the video that brought me to tears and once the video ended a representative of the organization came in and spoke briefly about Maiti Nepal and that was it… or so I thought. We made our way back downstairs and the founder of the organization, Anuradha Koirala, was there to speak with us as well. A real-life HERO. I was not prepared for what came next. Ms.Koirala lead us outside where we were met face-to-face with real victims and survivors of human trafficking. It broke me completely down and I was told that I could not cry in front of them because this was their “safe haven” and me crying would show that this was not a safe place. Leaving I felt so drained and I felt so helpless. I wanted to help them all and I could not do anything at the moment.

Where do you want to travel next?

I would like to visit Thailand next. I have a deep love for elephants and I hear that Thailand has the best Elephant sanctuary! So that’s next on the list.

The Past 50 Days at Words Alive


Last week a young girl, maybe 5 years old, came up to me at a Words Alive event, tugged on my sleeve and asked, "Are you sure I can keep all four of these books? They are really for me?"  When I assured her they were hers to keep, her eyes lit up, she paused for a moment, and then said, "Just wait until I tell Ms. Melinda. She's going to love this! Do you know Ms. Melinda?"  Struggling to balance all four books, she then scurried off to tell her friends that I knew Ms. Melinda, the beloved Words Alive volunteer that comes to her classroom every Monday to read.  

We are meeting our children and families with energy, enthusiasm, compassion....and results.   In just the past 50 days, Words Alive has:

  • Helped create home libraries by giving away more than 8,000 children's books to children, families, teachers, and community partners; 

  • Cut, glued, taped, colored, and stuffed more than 2,000 hands-on activities in preparation for the 130+ early literacy workshops we're hosting this spring to inspire a love of reading in families with preschoolers;

  • Received donations of more than 2,000 books through in-person and virtual book drives led by families, Scout Troops, service clubs, schools, and our newest partner, the Charley Hoffman Foundation; 

  • Launched Page Turners, a new initiative where everyone is invited to read, and provide feedback on, titles that are being considered for inclusion in our upcoming programs; 

  • Introduced 16 new volunteers to Words Alive, providing them with opportunities to help support our work inside, and outside, of the classroom; 

  • Enabled nearly 100 Words Alive students to meet Tomi Adeyemi and Marcie Colleen, authors of books they are reading in our programs;  

  • Welcomed over 400 new donors to Words Alive, who helped raise tens of thousands of dollars in our second Champions for Youth campaign in collaboration with The Century Club of San Diego and Farmers Insurance; and  

  • Supported our volunteers who have invested - in just the past 50 days - more than 470 hours to help ensure that the children and families in our community are connected to the power of reading.  

All of this in just 50 days.

So, yes, little one. I do know Ms. Melinda, and Mr. Jim, and Ms. Stacy and Mr. Bruce, and Ms. Barb and Mr. Al because they - and hundreds more like them - are helping us make sure that you have all of the resources you need to grow a into strong, excited, and successful reader. 

I'm looking forward to the next 50 days.

Thank you for being part of the Words Alive community,


Rachael Orose, MPA

Executive Director

Words Alive Scholar Abroad: Naples!

An image of Lexi standing in front of ruins.

An image of Lexi standing in front of ruins.

Over the winter break, two of our Words Alive Westreich Scholars had the amazing opportunity to take their studies abroad for a few weeks! Lexi Martinez is one of our star scholars and is about to graduate from San Diego State University with a degree in Social Work. We are so thrilled that Lexi had this opportunity!

Hear more about the trip from Lexi herself!

Where did you study abroad?

 I studied abroad in Naples, Italy

What similarities and difference did you notice between your study abroad location and San Diego?

I noticed many similarities between San Diego and Naples like the close-knit community between the people; they were always willing to help out. I can't even count how many times I got lost and there was always someone willing to help me. I found great support and friends in the area I was staying in. I felt like I was home as soon as my plane landed in Italy and I will never forget their kindness and generosity. For differences, everything was so fast-paced that it was a bit shocking compared to my southern California way of living but you quickly get used to it. Another difference that I loved was that we relied on walking and public transportation. Some days we would walk up to 14 miles per day. Getting used to taking trains and metros everywhere was such fun and I wish we had a similar transportation system.   

What did you learn while you were there?

I learned so much in Italy such as essential Italian phrases and how to connect with people of a different culture and how to be respectful in a country that is not my own. 

What was your favorite part of the experience?

 My favorite part was trying authentic Italian cuisines such as their pizza, pasta, and gelato!  I also loved getting lost in the cities and finding their hidden gems such as boutiques and museums. I feel like I returned with a new appreciation of travel and fashion.

What was the most challenging part?

 The most challenging part was trying to communicate with people who did not speak English but Google Translate was always there for me!

Where do you want to travel next?

I definitely want to return to Italy and continue to explore more of Italy but I also want to go to Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, and the UK!

An image of Lexi standing in front of the Trevi fountain.

An image of Lexi standing in front of the Trevi fountain.

Social Emotional Learning: Courage

By Joanna Kneller, Blog Volunteer

An image of two young students holding up mouse puppets that they made in our Family Literacy Program! The rest of the graphic says “Social Emotional Learning: Courage / What is Social Emotional Learning? Learn more at wordsalive/org/blog”

An image of two young students holding up mouse puppets that they made in our Family Literacy Program! The rest of the graphic says “Social Emotional Learning: Courage / What is Social Emotional Learning? Learn more at wordsalive/org/blog”

What is Social Emotional Learning (SEL)?

"Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions," according to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). 

SEL is a proactive and preventative initiative for teaching children skills that help them thrive physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. SEL is proven to reduce anxiety, addiction, and behavior issues while also increasing academic performance and promoting well-being. By developing these vital skills, children are better able to successfully cope with daily challenges in school, life, and later on at work. SEL provides a foundation for positive, long-term effects on children, adults, and communities.

SEL programs can be integrated into school curriculums or learned outside the academic environment.

Why is it Important for Children to Learn SEL?

Skills learned through Social Emotional Learning don't just help children cope better now, they carry into the future, to all aspects of life, and continue promoting positive effects throughout adulthood.

Research shows that children who have participated in SEL programs:

·      Perform better in school

·      Enjoy school more

·      Have better school attendance

·      Are less disruptive in classrooms

·      Show improved academic performance on standardized tests

·      Are less likely to be suspended or disciplined at school

SEL can also help improve a child's social relationships, increase motivation to learn, and reduce antisocial, violent, and drug-using behaviors.

 What is The Choose Love Movement™? 

Scarlett Lewis founded the nonprofit organization, Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement™, after her six-year-old son, Jesse Lewis, was murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012, in one of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history. 

The Choose Love Movement™ is about teaching children and adults to choose love over anger. The tragedy at Sandy Hook began with an angry thought in the shooter's head. This movement's mission is to make children aware that they have the power to control their own thoughts, and to teach them the benefits of changing angry thoughts into loving ones.

“Although we can’t always choose what happens to us, we can always choose how to respond...Children can learn to choose a loving thought over an angry one. When a child realizes that they have the power to positively impact themselves as well as those around them, it is empowering and perpetuates their positive actions and interactions.” — Scarlett Lewis, Founder of the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement™ (Source)

Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement™ offers various "Choose Love" programs for schools, homes, and communities, including their signature program: The Choose Love Enrichment Program™.

The Choose Love Enrichment Program™

This program uses a social emotional learning curriculum that integrates SEL with character education, positive psychology, mindfulness, neuroscience, and emotional intelligence. It teaches educators and students how to choose love in any circumstance, and promotes a classroom culture where students feel safe, nurtured, connected, and empowered.

The Choose Love formula focuses on four character values (or pillars) that cultivate optimism, resilience, and personal responsibility: Courage, Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Compassion.

The Choose Love Movement™ has reached over 1 million children worldwide and their programs work! Check out these results from the Annual Choose Love Educator Survey  (2018-2019):

  • 99% said that they have seen an improvement in classroom climate and in the students’ overall behavior

  • 73% said that their students get along better

  • 81% said their students have a more positive attitude

  • 62% have seen an increase in academic performance in their students

  • 95% rated the program “good”, “very good”, or “excellent”

  • 99% said they enjoyed teaching the program

  • 96% said their students enjoyed the program

Why is it Important to Teach Courage in the SEL Movement?

The first "Choose Love" pillar is courage. The Program Overview defines courage as:

Courage is the willingness and ability to work through obstacles despite feeling embarrassment, fear, reluctance, or uncertainty (Martinez, 2015). When you practice courage, you make positive choices even when it may be difficult for you. It takes courage to express our feelings, make ethical choices, tell the truth, admit mistakes, ask for forgiveness, and to be kind. This is especially true when others might not be leading by example. Courage requires self-awareness and self-regulation (Greenberg, 2016).

It's not always easy to show courage…But courage is essential because it supports the other three "Choose Love" pillars. When things aren't going your way, it takes courage to be grateful. When someone hurts you or something bad happens, it takes courage to forgive. And when you feel pain or think you already have too much to handle, it takes courage to show compassion.

But, when you practice being courageous, you'll also have:

·      Less fear

·      Less anxiety and stress

·      Enhanced self-esteem

·      Improved ability to express yourself and your feelings

·      Increased self-awareness

·      Willingness to try difficult tasks

Images of the three book covers mentioned below: Sofia Valdez, Future Prez, Refugee, and After the Fall.

Images of the three book covers mentioned below: Sofia Valdez, Future Prez, Refugee, and After the Fall.

This is why we at Words Alive are following in Choose Love’s footsteps by focusing on Social Emotional Learning, and courage specifically, in our programming this year. Here's some of the books we’re reading and discussing with students that focus on courage:

·      Refugee by Alan Gratz - Three kids separated by continents and decades experience harrowing journeys to find refuge. Josef, a Jewish boy in 1930s Nazi Germany facing the threat of concentration camps, boards a ship with his family and heads for the other side of the world. Isabel, a Cuban girl in 1994 watching riots and unrest plague her country, sets out on a raft with her family in search of America. Mahmoud, a Syrian boy in 2015 seeing his homeland destroyed by violence, starts a trek with his family toward Europe. All will face unimaginable dangers, but they hold on to the hope of a better future. And although they're separated by time and place, these kids will share shocking connections that tie their stories together. (Source: Amazon) 

·      After the Fall: How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again by Dan Santat - Everyone knows that when Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. But what happened after? This poignant tale follows Humpty Dumpty, an avid bird watcher whose favorite place to be is high up on the city wall―that is, until after his famous fall. Now terrified of heights, Humpty can longer do many of the things he loves most. Will he summon the courage to face his fear?  (Source: Amazon) 

·      Sofia Valdez Future Prez (The Questioneers) by Andrea Beaty, David Roberts - Every morning, Abuelo walks Sofia to school . . . until one day, when Abuelo hurts his ankle at a local landfill and he can no longer do so. Sofia (aka Sofi) misses her Abuelo and wonders what she can do about the dangerous Mount Trashmore. Then she gets an idea—the town can turn the slimy mess into a park! She brainstorms and plans and finally works up the courage to go to City Hall—only to be told by a clerk that she can’t build a park because she’s just a kid! Sofia is down but not out, and she sets out to prove what one kid can do. (Source: Amazon)


Social Emotional Learning: Gratitude

By Yael Lorberfeld, Blog Volunteer

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What is Emotional Intelligence?

Our emotional life is a compass that helps us understand our inner desires, our singularity, and our personal experiences. It is the framework that guides us. It captures our uniqueness and our differences, as well as commonalities and connections we all share. This is called our Emotional Intelligence. Emotions are part of our evolution, they serve a purpose for surviving, as well as drive our behavior and enrich our lives.

According to Gottman Institute (2017), Emotional Intelligence encompasses awareness, understanding, and the ability to express and manage one's emotions. While many educators concentrate on academic achievement in childhood, Emotional Intelligence is a stronger prognosticator of life's success than IQ (Intelligence Quotient). 

What is Social & Emotional Learning?

It is not an easy task for children to develop a mature and healthy emotional life. According to The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), "Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions." (2003)

An essential part of our experience is how we conceive and interpret our emotional life. What we think, our thoughts, are a potent tool. It is not enough to believe our thoughts are only a result of our experience, they are also a big part of creating our experiences. 

We are not solely the result of the continuous activity of our minds, we have the power to control our thoughts. Imagine what would happen if instead of remembering all the bad, negative, and difficult, we could, for the most part, remember the courage, resilience, vigor, and remarkable aspects of life?

Choose Love

Scarlett Lewis constructed an Enrichment Program called "The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Enrichment Program" in honor of her son Jesse after he was murdered at his school at the age of six years old. Choose Love was built upon the idea that we can be agents of change and growth for our lives, and with the task of improving Emotional Intelligence. Choose Love is made for classrooms and targets social and emotional growth in children, teachers, and parents. It has the goal of teaching how to Choose Love in any circumstance, and therefore prevent this type of tragedy from happening and help people to live a happier life.

The program focuses on four important character values – Courage, Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Compassion – which cultivate optimism, resilience, and personal responsibility. Children in schools learn that Choosing Love means choosing to live a life with Courage and Gratitude, practicing Forgiveness, and being Compassionate individuals. According to Lewis, being able to "Choose Love" promotes resilience in challenging times. As a result, children learn personal responsibility and the understanding that they always have a choice in how they respond. They realize they can decide to love themselves and others. The program teaches them how to do this, and teachers and parents learn with them too.

The Choose Love program provides a group of lessons based on research on emotional intelligence, resilience and post-traumatic growth, neuroscience, positive psychology, mindfulness, and social and emotional learning. The whole child – body, mind, and feelings – are carefully given attention.

How Words Alive is Teaching Gratitude

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One central tool of the program is the transformation of negative thoughts into more loving and positive ones, having an impact on behavior. Gratitude is a magical way to perceive the good in our lives. According to Tamara Levit, gratitude wakes us up to the goodness and beauty in life. But we need to work on it. One of the most important columns of the "Choose Love" movement is Gratitude.

The result of using gratitude in the "Choose Love" program is impressive. Scarlett Lewis affirms that research consistently shows that this type of program helps children get better grades, maintain longer and better attention spans, lower anxiety and behavioral problems, live a happier life, result in higher graduating rates, less substance abuse, and even a lower divorce rate.

Scarlett Lewis recognizes that gratitude is a magical resource. As Rhonda Byrne states, "The more you use gratitude every day, the greater the good you will bring into your life" (2012).

This is why we at Words Alive are following in Choose Love’s footsteps by focusing on Social Emotional Learning, and gratitude specifically, in our programming this year. Here are some of the books we’re reading and discussing with students that focus on gratitude:

  • If You Plant a Seed by Kadir Nelson - This story demonstrates not only the process of planting and growing for young children but also how a seed of kindness can bear sweet fruit. (Goodreads)

  • The One Day House by Julia Durango - Inspired by a friend’s volunteerism, author Julia Durango tells a story of community and togetherness, showing that by helping others we help ourselves. (Goodreads)


How to Strengthen Your Child's Emotional Intelligence // Parent Co.  // June 26, 2017


Give the Gift of Reading This Holiday Season!

Written by Joanna Kneller, Blog Volunteer

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Looking for an easy way to help support Words Alive this holiday season? Look no further – we've got you covered!

One simple way you can give to Words Alive is by making a purchase from our Amazon Wish List. Our list features a variety of books and supplies to be used in our programs that help us inspire a love of reading in our program participants!

 By choosing items from the Words Alive’s Wish List, you'll be supporting the following programs:

Read Aloud Program (Preschool to Grade 3)

Words Alive partners with elementary schools, Head Start programs, and child development centers to share a love of reading with children from underserved communities. Each week, our trained volunteers read aloud to approximately 4,300 children, helping them develop the cognitive, language, and social-emotional skills needed to be motivated, strong readers.

Adolescent Book Group

The Adolescent Book Group brings books to life for teenagers facing extraordinary circumstances like homelessness, violence, teen pregnancy, and impact by the justice system. Participants enhance their critical thinking skills, self-esteem, and ability to express themselves through engaging projects, writing workshops, and discussion sessions. 

Family Literacy Program

Our Family Literacy Program empowers parents from underserved communities to become agents of change and advocates for their families. Participants attend workshops and receive parent education covering early literacy development topics specific to preschool age children. Workshops include tailored information sessions and skill-building exercises for parents, a group story time, and guided activities for parents and children. 

Here are just a few of the books you can select from our wish list!

Hey, Kiddo by Jarrett J. Krosoczka

An image of the book Hey, Kiddo laying on top of pages of art from the graphic novel. Image credit: 3starsandup on Instagram

An image of the book Hey, Kiddo laying on top of pages of art from the graphic novel. Image credit: 3starsandup on Instagram

(Themes addressed: addiction, absent parents, and finding the art that helps you survive.)

A National Book Award Finalist! Jarrett Krosoczka has a complicated family. His mom is an addict who seems to wander in and out of his life. His father is nowhere to be found. So Jarrett lives with his grandparents: two loud, loving, and opinionated people who thought they were done raising children until Jarrett came along. Jarrett spends his childhood struggling to live a normal life, but finds ways to express himself through drawing. As a teenager, Jarrett is able to begin piecing together the truth of his family, reckoning with his mother, and finding his father.

(Source: Amazon)


Sofia Valdez, Future Prez (The Questioneers) by Andrea Beaty, David Roberts

An image of the book Sofia Valdez, Future Prez. Image credit: thechildrensbookreview on Instagram

An image of the book Sofia Valdez, Future Prez. Image credit: thechildrensbookreview on Instagram

(Themes addressed: courage, leadership, and community.)

A New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestseller! Abuelo walks Sofia to school every morning. But one day, he injures his ankle at the dangerous local landfill and can no longer do so. Sofia misses Abuelo and comes up with a plan for the town to turn messy Mount Trashmore into a beautiful park. Once she finally works up the courage to go to City Hall, she's told she can’t build a park because she’s just a kid. Sofia is down but not out, and she sets out to prove what one kid can do!

(Source: Amazon)

Refugee by Alan Gratz

An image of someone holding the book Refugee in front of a snowy background. Image credit: teachliketrish on Instagram

An image of someone holding the book Refugee in front of a snowy background. Image credit: teachliketrish on Instagram

(Themes addressed: courage, survival, and the quest for home.)

A New York Times bestseller! Three kids separated by continents and decades experience harrowing journeys to find refuge. Josef, a Jewish boy in 1930s Nazi Germany facing the threat of concentration camps, boards a ship with his family and heads for the other side of the world. Isabel, a Cuban girl in 1994 watching riots and unrest plague her country, sets out on a raft with her family in search of America. Mahmoud, a Syrian boy in 2015 seeing his homeland destroyed by violence, starts a trek with his family toward Europe. All will face unimaginable dangers, but they hold on to the hope of a better future. And although they're separated by time and place, these kids will share shocking connections that tie their stories together. (Source: Amazon)

So, there you have it. A quick, easy way to make a donation and a difference this holiday season by shopping directly from our Amazon Wish List. Help support Words Alive in creating opportunities for life success by inspiring a commitment to reading!

Reading To Evolve, To Connect, and To Share

By Dawn Miller, Head Teacher at Lindsay Community School

An image of Dawn with her students as they hold up copies of the book, Pride.

An image of Dawn with her students as they hold up copies of the book, Pride.

Twenty years ago, I was approached by my then principal Tracy Thompson and Leslye Lyons about launching a book club for my students at Lindsay Community School. Books and reading had played an integral role in my own survival as a child and young adult, and this fundamental understanding of the undeniable power of words naturally translated into my classroom at Lindsay, where we try to provide any and every opportunity for our students to latch onto a book and fly

So of course, when I met Leslye, we jumped at the chance to work with her and her new Words Alive project. And for any of you who have ever met Leslye, you know that she has that twinkle of the eye when she’s talking about books -- the one that tells you she doesn’t just read for leisure or entertainment, Leslye reads to evolve,  to connect, to unlock and share the secrets of our own humanity.  This rare and discerning awareness provided the foundation for Words Alive, and has guided the powerful work that has continued to come out of this project for the last 20 years. I recognized that twinkle the moment I met her, like when pain sees pain, or struggle sees struggle, with no words spoken -- and we couldn’t wait to begin the work.  

For the past 20 years, Words Alive volunteers have come into our school space, each month, to engage in the sparring of book talk. If I could give a quick shout out to our current volunteers - Mona, Geri, Sally and Jean - these extraordinary women also go around flashing that eye-twinkle-thingy and they share so much of their hearts with our students — we are deeply indebted. 

I’m assuming that most of the folks in attendance here today, also have a passion for reading, and you all might think that conveying that passion to and with a group of young folks might be challenging, but ultimately doable because you just know they’re gonna love that right book so much because your own love of books - it’s just a matter of getting that right book in the right hands . . .   But with our students, both at Lindsay and JCCS-wide, sharing this love requires you to put in work - real work - sometimes uncomfortable, often gut-wrenching and always formidable, work. Because as you may or may not know, the students of Lindsay are young mothers, and this already exiled status is compounded by homelessness, physical and sexual abuse, abandonment, family separation, system brutalities and endless other traumas and tragedies that the very best of us here, could not withstand.  BUT they make their way, each day - and I share their struggles with you now, not for sympathy (for sympathy does not empower), but to highlight their extraordinary resilience and undeniable courage in a world that works daily to smother them.

So when our Words Alive volunteers come monthly to spar - they come armed with books, of course, but more importantly, they come armed with compassion and understanding, without judgement or verdict, ready to learn and listen to one another in endless acts of patience and love. The girls also come packing - with sharp and quick-witted tongues, astute analyses, profound reflections, and grand criticisms. And somewhere in the middle of this motley crew, a million magical moments of hope are born. Books and reading are already mighty in their own right, but in the right context and wielded in a righteous way, they are also transformative.

What is borne of those monthly book circles is hard to describe, but what I witness can most aptly be called a political act. Sometimes the students are emboldened by stories of rebellion and insurrection, led by stronger-than-life women characters, real and unreal. Other times they are enthralled by collections of poetry that rip their already broken hearts out, but also remind them that through their pain comes strength. Often, they are so moved by a story or character battling similar Sisyphean struggles to their own, they become immediately resolved to pen their own stories of inequity, but this time, and in real life, with endings of justice and liberation.

Regardless of the book, it is in these moments that reading becomes an emancipatory act - a momentary vision of what is possible and how to get there. These students, who have been systematically stripped of their dignity, are suddenly circled in a space where they find themselves, their dreams and their words, ALIVE.  

Words Alive 2019-2020 Sneak Peek!

By Omar Jawdat, Blog Intern

The new school year has begun, which means  Words Alive’s Adolescent Book Group and Read Aloud Program are back! We are excited to have our volunteers engage with students in the classrooms while reading books out loud and talking about them together. In both programs, our curriculum focuses on a diverse range of popular stories that students can see themselves in and connect with. Here is a sneak peek of just a few of the books that we’ll be reading in the program this year! 

Read Aloud Program: Our Upcoming Curriculum

An image of three of our RAP books: Trick-or-Treat: A Happy Hunter’s Halloween, Dinosaur Bones, and The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind.

An image of three of our RAP books: Trick-or-Treat: A Happy Hunter’s Halloween, Dinosaur Bones, and The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind.

Although children’s books are usually shorter, we want to make sure that each student gets the opportunity to absorb the values of these books, so they can learn from the text and dedicate themselves to truly appreciating all the different books that are brought to them. Rather than merely reading through one book and moving onto the next, our volunteers bring the books to life by asking questions before, during, and after reading aloud to encourage students to participate. This will also help students gain an interest in reading in and outside the classroom. The enjoyment of reading a good book is a valuable aspect in a student’s life, and will help their reading skills in the future. It will also help children develop cognitive language and social-emotional skills. 

October is Halloween month! Which means we will be reading the book titled Trick-or-Treat: A Happy Hunter’s Halloween. The book will introduce students to the creativity of poetry, as it is composed of 15 poems, each with unique Halloween celebrations with bright and colorful illustrations. During reading, our volunteers help students point out words that give the poems that scary Halloween feeling, as well as which lines have rhyming words, how each poem is different, and the emotions behind them. This allows children to learn about alliteration and rhyming patterns. Students are also given the chance to create their own silly alliterations and share their Halloween costumes with their peers.

Volunteers will also be introducing and reading the book Dinosaur Bones. This book will bring the dinosaurs back to life, with Bob Barner’s lively rhyming text and curiosity induced information about dinosaurs. Through paper collages, the book also contains vibrant illustrations of dinosaur bones that can be found in museums. Students will engage with several questions about the variety of dinosaurs, identifying and differentiating them by name, size, weight, and appearance. This will also help children develop an understanding of history (time periods and timelines), and they will learn new terms, as well as other interesting facts! Dinosaur Bones will spark a child’s inner scientist, and make enthusiasts roar with delight.

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind is the story of a boy named William Kamkwamba, who’s village has been struck by a terrible drought, causing his family and his village to lose all their crops, resulting in having nothing to eat. Through exploring the science books in his village, William found the solution, which was to build a windmill that would bring electricity back to the village, and helps his family pump water to farm the land again. This book inspires children, as well as evokes perseverance, and teaches kids new terms/words, such as “drought” or “windmill”, for example. Students will also be able to learn about the different environments that other kids live in, showing how their lives are different than ours.

Adolescent Book Group Program 

An image of three of our ABG books: A Very Large Expanse of Sea, The Poet X, and Hey, Kiddo.

An image of three of our ABG books: A Very Large Expanse of Sea, The Poet X, and Hey, Kiddo.

Our ABG program serves teenagers from alternative schools who have gone through adversity such as violence, teen pregnancy, and homelessness. Our Words Alive volunteers provide teens with engaging book discussions, writing workshops, and projects that help bring books alive. 

Hey, Kiddo by Jarret J. Krosoczka is one of the books that will be introduced to the classroom for the first time this year! Expressing the unfortunate circumstances of troubled families, Hey Kiddo tells the story of a young man, Krosoczka, who lives with his grandparents, due to his mother being an incarcerated heroin addict. Not knowing who his father is, Krosoczka seeks to find him, while also facing problems with his mother, his daily livelihood, and making it to become an artist. This book depicts the impact of change in one’s life, as many teens struggle to find themselves in identifying who they truly are. This book also explores themes of addiction, abuse, and growing up in a non-traditional environment. The struggling relationships between families and the overwhelming path that leads to achieving success are also impacting aspects of the book. Art is an inspiring theme in the novel, as it is the aspiring focus and profession that Krosoczka wishes to pursue.

Another story that will be presented to the classroom will be The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo. This fictional novel surrounds itself on the basis of racial identity, stereotypes, and the bonds between communities. The main character, Xiomara Batista feels neglected and unable to truly speak her mind in her Harlem neighborhood. All her heartfelt thoughts and inner emotions pour out into her notebook, where she writes and recites her words like poetic prayers. Xiomara lives in a religious environment, and falls into a deep crush on a boy named Aman. Students will be able to learn how to break free and have their own voice in life as well. The power of words is also emphasized with this reading, and will also encourage students to participate more in classes, extracurricular events/activities, and develop positive hobbies that they find interesting, or are passionate about.

Last but certainly not least, volunteers will be introduced to A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi. Another fiction novel, taking place in 2002. A year after 9/11, the story focuses on race, xenophobia, romance, relationships, and assumptions. Politically, it is an extremely sensitive time, especially for sixteen-year-old Shirin, a Muslim girl living in America. Shirin has to endure prejudice from people demeaning her as an outcast in society because of her religious and racial identity. She is also attacked for the hijab that she wears everyday, which even results in physical violence. Because of her circumstances, she must build protective walls, until she meets Ocean James, who really seems like he wants to get to know her. However, it will be difficult for Shirin to bring her guard down and develop a friendship. The aim of this story is to teach students to respect other cultures and backgrounds different from their own. Students will also learn about stereotypes and unfair treatment, as well as how to form friendships with different types of people, regardless of their religion, sex, or race.  

These books are only a few that we have previewed for a sneak peak into what we’ll be reading with students this year. These engaging themes, topics, diverse stories, characters, and texts are sure to get all of our students excited and interested in reading, as they learn and discover new things this school year!