Escola Secundária D. Dinis

If happiness were a ...

Untitled design (2).png

Submitted in response to Words Alive’s QuaranTEENS prompt, All the Feels

If happiness were a color,
it would be red, as red as the heart.

If happiness were a taste,
it would be just like pizza

If happiness were a smell,
it would be as sweet as perfume.

If happiness were tangible,
it would feel like cat’s fur.

If happiness were a sound,
it would be as joyful as the singing of a bird.

Book Cover Double | Relative Stranger: A Life After Death

Submitted in response to Words Alive’s QuaranTEENS challenge,
Book Cover Double

original cover (left), recreation (right)

original cover (left), recreation (right)

What’s your favorite book? Recreate the cover and share it with us here.

Book Cover Double: Robin Hood (Robin dos Bosques)

Submitted in response to Words Alive’s QuaranTEENS challenge,
Book Cover Double


What’s your favorite book? Recreate the cover and share it with us here.

Book Cover Double | The Secret Diary of Adrain Mole Aged 13 3/4

Submitted in response to Words Alive’s QuaranTEENS challenge,
Book Cover Double


What’s your favorite book? Recreate the cover and share it with us here.


emotion poetry thumbnails.png

Submitted in response to Words Alive’s QuaranTEENS prompt, All the Feels

If rage were a color, it would be red
as red as lipstick.

If rage were a taste,
it would be just like spicy sauce.

If rage were a smell,
it would be as bad as sulfur.

If rage were tangible,
it would feel like breaking a keyboard.

If rage were a sound,
it would be as loud as me screaming.


Submitted in response to Words Alive’s QuaranTEENS prompt, All the Feels

If sadness were a color,
it would be blue, as blue as "Sadness" from the movie "Inside Out" .

If sadness were a taste,
it would be just like salt - like salty tears that pour down our cheeks when we cry.

If sadness were a smell,
it would be as moldy as an empty house, when no one is using it.

If sadness were tangible,                       
it would feel like an onion - we can cry when we cut it.

If sadness were a sound,                                
it would be as a baby crying as when he/she is in pain.


Submitted in response to Words Alive’s QuaranTEENS prompt, All the Feels

If happiness were a color,
it would be yellow, as yellow as the sun that wakes us up.

If happiness were a taste,
it would be just like sugar ́cause it makes everything feel better If happiness were a smell,
it would be as sweet as the spring.

If happiness were tangible,
it would feel like the softest blanket, that warms us in the winter.

If happiness were a sound,
it would be as melodious as the sound of nature.

drawing also by author, Carolina

drawing also by author, Carolina


Submitted in response to Words Alive’s QuaranTEENS prompt, All the Feels

drawing also by the author, Allana

drawing also by the author, Allana


If euphoria were a color,
it would be orange
as orange as the heat of adrenaline surging strongly and quickly in a small and sensitive space.

If euphoria were a taste,
it would be just like sparkling wine that bubbles in a pleasant way and takes away the sense of a harsh reality and leaves us feeling lighter.

If euphoria were a smell,
it would be as citrusy as something acidic that gives us convenient chills.

If euphoria were tangible,
it would feel like a hot body coming into contact with cold water, causing relief and rapture.

If euphoria were a sound,
it would be as soft as the sound of the laughter we ​provoke​ in the people we love.