Meet Tanya, our May Page Turner of the Month!

Page Turner of the Month 

This May, we are happy to recognize Tanya Mishra as Page Turner of the month! Tanya has been a Page Turner since April 8th, 2024, and has since read 4 books, totaling 20 hours and 1,024 pages. 

  1. Can you give a brief introduction of who you are? (As much as you’re willing to share) 

    My name is Tanya Mishra (She/Her), and I am an Arizona resident. I have a sister, and I am a sophomore in high school.  

  2. How did you come across Page Turners/Words Alive?  

    I came across this page turners when I was looking online for ways to volunteer to help my community. 

  3. What are your hobbies/interests outside of volunteering? 

    I love to run, play tennis, and read in my free time. I enjoy volunteering at the local cancer hospital to support the patients there. I also like to spend time with my friends and families. 

  4. Has reading with Page Turners impacted your perspective on society or your community? 

    Yes, reading with page turners has impacted my perspective because it made me realize how important and sometimes difficult quality education can be for some communities to get. 

  5. What is your favorite book(s) so far? 

     My favorite book so far is "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak, because it details the saddening effects of the world war and Jewish persecution on young children. 

Shout out to Tanya for all the time she’s dedicated to Words Alive! We are so thankful for her participation and insight.  


If you would like to join Tanya in their participation, you can sign up to be a Page Turner here.