by Genielysse reyes, Words alive volunteer coordinator
Volunteers connecting with one another as they assemble learning kits
On December 11th, I had the pleasure of coordinating Words Alive’s annual “Cookies, Cocoa, and Crafts” service party. Pitched as a “Where the Wild Books Are” service event with a festive overlay, “Cookies, Cocoa, and Crafts 2024” ultimately transformed into a bright and bookish celebration.
The service party began at 10:30am, and 45 volunteers gathered around our office front for a lovely welcoming speech by our executive director, Rachael, and our awesome staff. Afterward, the party officially started with the opening of six different service stations.
Volunteers writing letters at our Words of Inspiration station
Three stations allowed volunteers to assemble learning kits for three heartwarming titles: The I Love You Book by Todd Parr, Wepa by J de la Vega, and A Ball for Daisy by Chris Raschka. These kits will be directly distributed to children and families all over San Diego County.
Two other stations let volunteers exercise their creative voices. Our Words of Inspiration station gave volunteers the supplies needed to write encouraging letters to young readers, as well as thank you letters to fellow volunteers. A special holiday-inspired station asked volunteers share the names of their favorite books on paper ornaments, which were then hung on the Words Alive rainbow tree.
The Words Alive rainbow tree adorned with “Favorite Book” ornaments
A new station we added was dedicated to our Page Turners Program. A quieter space on the couches of our mezzanine, volunteers read titles from our book catalogue and reviewed them in real time, helping us determine which titles will be featured in future programming.
And of course, we had a station dedicated to the titular cookies and cocoa. The delicious cookies were donated by Jimbo’s and Blackmarket Bakery, while the cocoa was donated by my mom, Coco (what a fun coincidence, right?). She even included fun peppermint and marshmallow stirrers.
Cookies generously donated by Jimbo’s
For two hours, the office came alive with laughter, teamwork, music, and community. We book ended the party with a picture-perfect group photo plus a speed-reading competition between 3 stellar staff and board members. Our space erupted in applause, thus concluding an event that is now considered a Words Alive holiday tradition.
More cookies generously donated by Blackmarket Bakery
A huge thank you to Jimbo’s, Blackmarket Bakery, and Coco Reyes for adding so much sweetness to this event.
And thank you to all our volunteers who put in so much work and love into these reading resources, letters, ornaments, and book reviews. Because of you, Words Alive continues to thrive, and the joy of reading continues to grow, throughout this holiday season and beyond.
If you’d like to join our amazing community of readers and volunteers this upcoming new year, you can now sign up for our next Wild Book service events here. If you also would like to learn more about how to be more involved with Words Alive through our in-person or virtual volunteer roles, click here or email us at [email protected]. We are so excited to turn the page and begin the 2025 chapter with you!
The amazing volunteers and staff who made “Cookies, Cocoa, and Crafts” a fun and festive success