
Create a playlist for your book!

Persona Playlist.jpeg

There are many things to be said about a great read. The perfect book can help you learn more about yourself and those around you, be a friend that is understanding and comforting, and even answer questions you never thought to ask.

But there is another form many will say can do the same exact thing – music. Music is a universal language where every single aspect like the lyrics, melody and instruments each communicate a unique message only the listener can understand. A great song, no matter how long after you were first introduced, can transport you back into a memory which brings back feelings of joy and content. Reading and music go hand-in-hand and this activity will help you bring together the best of both worlds!

Imagine someone wanted you to recommend a book for them to read but you could only describe the book using a playlist. There is never truly or wrong way to make a playlist, but these general questions will help you craft a soundtrack worthy of a book-to-film adaption.

  • What songs contain lyrics that describe the overall theme of the story?

  • The main character’s love interest or best friend is introduced to the audience, what song is playing in the background?

  • When looking at the cover of the book what is the first song that firsts pops into your head?

  • What year was this book published? What song during that time would describe the story? What song from another year would describe this story?

  • What song would the main character listen to during this story?


  • What song contains the name of the book either through the title or lyrics

  • Design the soundtrack’s album cover!

Recreate book covers for this viral challenge

With so much more time at home, quarantine is taking creativity to a whole new level! People are recreating book covers and we want EVERYTHING to do with this lit challenge by the New York Public Library.

Send us your creations here and share your love of reading with the world by posting your book cover alongside the original on social media with the hashtag #BookCoverDouble and don’t forget to tag us @WordsAliveSD and of course the original creators, @nypl.


Check out the art challenge by the Getty Museum that inspired the lit world to get in on the fun!

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Send Love for the Elderly

With COVID-19 being especially dangerous for the elderly, nursing homes and assisted living facilities across globe have restricted access to visitors. To help combat the loneliness that comes with social distancing for a generation that doesn’t live online, write a letter. The non-profit Love for the Elderly is collecting letters to send to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospices and senior centers across the globe. Here’s how to participate!

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