COVID-19 journal prompts — Write Now! Prompts — Words Alive

COVID-19 journal prompts

Journal Prompt: HOPE

Did you see anything today that gave you hope? (example: news article, random act of kindness, funny meme on social media)

Write about what you experienced and why it made you feel hopeful. How did this feeling of hope change your perspective about our current situation? Will you think or act differently in the future?

Stages of Coping with COVID-19

It has been a couple weeks since our world turned upside down. Take some time to reflect on how you’re coping. Can you identify which zone you’re in now?

Coping Zones Infographic.png

Journal Prompt: How have you been coping? What is bringing you the most comfort during this time? Have you been able to move out of the fear zone? What, in particular, are you struggling with? Is there anything that continues to worry you? What can you do to try to get to the growth zone? What are you learning about yourself as you move through each of these coping stages?

The Coronavirus in Just Six Words

The Coronavirus in Just Six Words

There are a LOT of new, mostly scary, words out there in the wake of COVID-19. Let’s see if we can sort through it all — in just six words.

Found Poetry

Found Poetry

Find new meaning in COVID-19 news. Write a poem using words found in articles or other text sources.