Meet Sara, Our August Page Turner Of The Month!

August 2024 Page Turner of the Month!

This August, we are happy to recognize Sara Salah as Page Turner of the month! Sara has been a Page Turner since May 2023 and has since read 10 books, totaling 101 hours!

Can you give a brief introduction of who you are? (As much as you’re willing to share).

I am a rising college senior (she/her) from Buffalo,New York that attends the University at Albany in Albany,NY. I plan to pursue a master's degree in mental health counseling. I am currently a housing manager on campus as well as the current Public Relations Chair for my university's Silent Book Club (a club formed by students where we can read and discuss). In my free time I enjoy reading a variety of books and experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.

How did you come across Page Turners/Words Alive?

I came across Page Turners when looking for a remote volunteer organization on my university's website. It was featured as an option for those who enjoyed reading and also wanted to give back to the community. 

What are your hobbies/interests outside of volunteering?

Some of my interests outside of volunteering include spending time with family and friends, as well as my fur babies (three cats, 1 rabbit). I enjoy trying new restaurants as well as curling up with a good book (or my kindle). When I'm not in class or studying, I can be found in the kitchen with friends cooking/baking and watching a Netflix show. 

What is your favorite book(s) so far?

My favorite book so far has to be They Called Me a Lioness: A Palestinian Girl's Fight for Freedom. This book was very eye opening and one thing I really appreciated was the honesty/vulnerability throughout the book. Ahed (main character) shares her worries, fears, and the harsh realities of living under occupation without holding back. The book also highlighted the importance of community and shares just how much resilience her family and the community must have. To me, the book was informative, but it was also a call to action. It serves as a reminder of the influence that even one person can have on human rights. 

If you would like to join Sara in their participation, you can sign up to be a Page Turner here