Page Turners Intern-mission

Hey, everyone!

Lanie here giving you a quick intern-mission (see what I did there) to give y’all an update about my experience here at Words Alive.

My time as the Page Turners intern is coming to a close. This internship has given me the opportunity to see up close the power of literature, and how it brings communities together. Our mission can only truly be done with the help of our volunteer’s time and engagement. Seeing all the people who volunteer and take their time to help make an impact to our schools was gratifying, to say the least. It only made me become more passionate about continuing to become a resource for my community.

Reading, especially, accessible reading is crucial for our social and critical development. Folks from all types of backgrounds and ages helped create a path of change in the education system while experiencing the power of reading. Our future generations have you to thank for our dedication to their education. Reading the reviews, and discovering new titles to add to our curriculum made me wish I had something similar when I was younger. It's such a fun, engaging way to connect, and simultaneously give back to our community.

I appreciate interning at Words Alive, and meeting a team that is welcoming and encouraging about my growth. Most importantly, I had a manager who empathetically guided me through the highs and lows that come with working in non-profits and education. I couldn’t have picked a better introduction into the hectic, yet thrilling, career of education and education equality. I am so proud to have worked here, and am excited to see where the future leads me next.