Monthly Heroes

By Vikki Bowes-Mok, Words Alive Volunteer

Since 2015, Karen Malin has donated to Words Alive — every month!

“By giving monthly, I am actually able to increase my support as compared to making one donation, which might have more of an impact on my budget,” said Karen Malin, a Words Alive Board member, who learned about the nonprofit from a bookmark she received at an author event at Warwick’s. “As a retired educator, I am convinced that providing opportunities for children and their families to enjoy reading, to create stronger bonds by sharing books together and to increase home libraries are all vital for creating equal life opportunities for children of all backgrounds.” 

Words Alive’s sustaining donor model is a convenient way for supporters to provide crucial and reliable support to provide exemplary programming that makes reading matter to the 5,000+ children, teens, and families Words Alive serves each year.

According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, “recurring-giving programs are growing in popularity. And for good reason: Donors who give monthly are more likely to stick with an organization. They also provide a reliable source of revenue and are likely to give more over their lifetime than donors who give once or twice a year.”

This has proven true for Words Alive, which nurtures its eight monthly donors and hopes to expand the regular giving with new supporters.

“Regular contributions from monthly donors enable us to have a greater, and sustainable, long-term impact in the San Diego community,” said Tracy Dahlkamp, Donor Engagement Manager for Words Alive. “We appreciate all our donors so much but are especially grateful to those who are able to contribute monthly.”

Words Alive understands the life-changing power of reading. Reading helps people succeed in school and the workplace but reading also changes lives in ways far beyond this. The purpose of Words Alive is to make reading matter – truly matter – for young people and families in every community in San Diego and beyond, so they have the power to write their own stories. 

“I really wanted to support Words Alive not only with my volunteer time and specific talents, but financially as well,” said Malin, a passionate advocate for education and reading. “People should remember that you don’t have to have a large bank account, a big trust fund or a huge income to be able to make an impact financially. The smaller monthly donations definitely do add up and help to keep the fires burning!”

To join our team of monthly heroes, simply click here and choose “recurring” - you will be able to adjust the amount, frequency, and duration of your gift. Thank you so much for your support of our mission to inspire young readers!