
Plot Twist: Teoman Yazar

Welcome to our blog series, Plot Twist! Here, we'll be sharing the stories of people in the Words Alive community — stories of change, growth, and maybe a few surprising twists! We hope that through these stories, you'll get to know our community a little better and see the power of literacy come to life.


Meet Teoman Yazar: a multi-talented volunteer who, at 11 years old, is one of the youngest Page Turners in the Words Alive community! His myriad of talents and hobbies include playing four different instruments (and playing for rock bands!), rock climbing, snowboarding, and wakeboarding. When he grows up he is considering a career in the biomedical field or becoming a wildlife photographer.

During COVID, Teoman and his dad were looking for community service opportunities when they stumbled upon Words Alive. As an avid reader and someone that values helping others, he figured being a Page Turner would be just the thing for him. He has already read and reviewed 6 books for inclusion in the Words Alive curriculum! 

Watch Teoman receive his award at 11:12!

Besides the rewarding feeling that comes with doing something meaningful for others, Teoman received the Bronze President's Service Award this year in recognition of his work.  "I was really excited," he recalls, all smiles, "I did not expect that to happen."

When asked about why people should volunteer, he replied simply: "Well, it's just helping other people." He added, “If you grow up helping other people then when you grow up you’ll want to just help other people. And not necessarily by volunteering, but just in general.”

What's also fantastic about Teoman is that he really engages with the Page Turner process of reading and reviewing books. It can be challenging, he admits. “Having to explain the whole book in a couple sentences — that's usually pretty hard.”

I learned to understand the book better.

But as he reads and writes about more and more books, he's growing in his reviewing abilities. “I learned to understand the book better,” he says, “like what the more important parts of the book are rather than what the details are.”

He has this advice to share with his fellow reviewers: "Before you write the review, make sure to skim through the book a little bit… to refresh your memory on what the book is about." He also says that reading other reviews to ensure that you understood the book correctly may also be helpful.

About the importance of reading books, he notes, “Reading really helps – at least my – attention span because you have to sit down and read something for a long time.” He feels books can show readers a variety of experiences and perspectives different from their own. "It teaches you what other people have to go through sometimes,” he says.

The Whispers by Greg Howard.

The Whispers by Greg Howard.

The First Rule of Punk by Cecilia C. Perez. 

The First Rule of Punk by Cecilia C. Perez. 

Some of his top picks from the Words Alive list are The Whispers by Greg Howard and The First Rule of Punk by Cecilia C. Perez. 

Unsurprisingly for a committed Words Alive volunteer, he's truly enthusiastic about reading, even outside of Page Turners.

Teoman shows off one of his favorite books.

Teoman shows off one of his favorite books.

When we asked about his personal favorite book, he eagerly held up several volumes to the camera and said, “I have four of my favorite books right here, just in case you asked this question!” His current top choice is One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus.

Teoman wants other people to enjoy their experiences with books, too. He appreciates that through Page Turners, he is able to help others avoid diving headfirst into a book without knowing what it's about.

“Sometimes I read a book and it’s totally not what I expect and I don’t want to read the book anymore, so I don’t want that to happen to other people.”

He hopes one day he can be a Book Hunter for Words Alive and find new books for other Page Turners to review. “I want to do that because I know a couple books that I would definitely recommend.”

Judging by his attitude towards helping others and his work as a Page Turner, service is evidently an ingrained part of Teoman's life. We're thrilled to see this young student already taking initiative to change his community. Keep up the amazing work, Teoman! You are already making a difference now; we are positive you will accomplish great things when you grow up, too.

This post was written by Idie Park, a Words Alive volunteer! Do you love writing and have an interest in helping Words Alive create this type of content? We'd love to have you on the team! Email to learn more.

Plot Twist: Melinda Wynar

This post was created by Ben Hollingshead and Zoe Wong, Words Alive volunteers! Do you love writing and have an interest in helping Words Alive create this type of content? We'd love to have you on the team! Email to learn more.


Meet Words Alive volunteer extraordinaire: Melinda Wynar! Melinda is a retired preschool teacher and senior program activity director who has been a beloved Read Aloud Program volunteer for many years. She has also stepped up to volunteer for several other Words Alive programs whenever we need her!

Melinda is featured as a Community Champion in this video from Molina Healthcare!

She was recently recognized by Molina Healthcare as a Community Champion for her leadership and dedication to our community. Read on to learn about Melinda’s experience reading during the transition to distance learning, her takeaways and proudest accomplishments as a volunteer, and her hopes for our community.   

Melinda’s journey with Words Alive began when she started making plans for her retirement six years ago. “I made a list of all the things that I wanted to do when I retired and things that I enjoy doing,” she says. “And one of them that I always loved to do was to read to kids—it was my favorite thing when I was a preschool teacher many, many years ago.” Starting at the local library, she looked for reading-related volunteer opportunities without much success, until she heard about Words Alive from a friend. She found her way to our website, signed up to volunteer, and has not looked back since. “I just felt embraced by [Words Alive],” Melinda says, describing her first impressions of the organization.”I’ve never felt so well taken care of.” 

Melinda reads aloud to a classroom full of students.

Melinda reads aloud to a classroom full of students.

Melinda began reading at Felicita Elementary School in Escondido and has been with the school ever since. Her continued commitment to Felicita means that she has built up strong relationships with teachers and kids over the years. “I’ll walk through the school and other kids that I read with...maybe the year before...will say ‘Oh, there’s the reading lady!'" Melinda says, smiling. “The most rewarding part is just interacting with these amazing teachers and kids,” she says. “It’s amazing how it makes an impression on the kids.” This excited response from the students is what has motivated her to be a tireless volunteer for the past six years.

Melinda and one of her classrooms at Felicita Elementary smile and hold up books.

Melinda and one of her classrooms at Felicita Elementary smile and hold up books.

As schools have moved to virtual learning, she has enthusiastically approached the challenge of reading on Zoom. “It’s tricky,” she laughs. “I'm so used to having the kids close by and being able to have a little more interaction with them.” But she didn’t let a bumpy first meeting stop her. She reached out and began working closely with the teachers to effectively redesign the online sessions, willingly incorporating feedback to optimize the interactive reading experience for her students. “[The teacher] may actually have the kids zoom in on their iPads,” Melinda says, “so that I will see them closer and I can feel a little more interactive with them.”  

She truly loves what she does, which is evident when she describes the books she reads to the kids. Her favorite book to read aloud is The Night Gardener by the Fan Brothers. “It is the most beautifully written and illustrated book; it actually brings tears to my eyes,” she says, describing the story about a magical gardener who creates beautiful topiaries by night. Another favorite is The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt, a book about a group of disgruntled crayons who go on strike from coloring.That book just cracks me up!” she says, smiling.

The cover of The Night Gardener, Melinda's favorite book.

The cover of The Night Gardener, Melinda's favorite book.

Melinda is honest about the lessons she's learned through her time as a volunteer. "Reading with Words Alive put me in a community I'm not usually associated with," she says. "I definitely had to look at stereotypes or biases that I had about lower income communities or Hispanic communities." Because of her willingness to learn and challenge her own assumptions, her experience as a volunteer has given her a new appreciation for the hopes, aspirations, and struggles of the communities she works with.

Melinda volunteering at a socially-distanced book sorting.

Melinda volunteering at a socially-distanced book sorting.

In addition to being a Read Aloud Program volunteer, Melinda has stepped up for many of our other programs, including helping with Readers in the Heights, putting together craft kits, recording read-aloud videos for children with limited home libraries, sorting book donations, and most recently, fundraising on our behalf as a Champion for Youth. But her proudest accomplishment as a volunteer, she says, was recruiting authors to donate their time to the Words Alive Authors Auction. This silent auction allowed participants to bid on virtual visits with published authors, with all proceeds going to Words Alive. “It was very fun getting different authors to sign on,” she says. Through her tireless efforts, twelve more authors volunteered for the auction. “I'm pretty proud about that!” she says.

All of this volunteer work means a lot to Melinda personally. “Retiring is a little terrifying,” she says, laughing. “I was so used to working and being involved in so many different things...I would wake up in the morning, ready to jump out of bed, because I had a definite thing to do.” Now, as a retiree, she says, “What I love about volunteering is it gives me that same sense of purpose.”

Melinda reads to four children as part of Readers in the Heights.

Melinda reads to four children as part of Readers in the Heights.

And although she has retired from the workforce, Melinda has never stopped giving back to our community. “What I’m really hoping is that…we can find ways to come together and to find our common humanity,” she says. “Reading is a wonderful part of bringing people together.”

We couldn't agree more! Melinda, thank you for your time and dedication to making our community a better place.

Page Turner of the Month: August 2020


Page Turners are a HUGE help to Words Alive. You help us identify diverse, engaging, and inspiring books to include in our curriculum! In thanks, we have decided to celebrate a Volunteer of the Month to show our appreciation. In August, our first-ever Page Turner of the Month is…


Jazmyn has read and reviewed nine books for Page Turners, and is in the process of reading two more! Two of the books she's read have already been migrated to our Adolescent Book Group Curriculum. We asked Jazmyn some questions about her time as a Page Turner:

What has been the best book you've read with Page Turners?

Yes No Maybe So by Becky Albertalli and Aisha Saeed

Why did you start reading books with Page Turners and why do you continue?

I needed service hours for the National Junior Honor Society and I love reading and realized once my service time ended, I still wanted to keep on reading these books taking myself out my comfort zone with some of the topics/genres I was reading.

How has being a Page Turner helped you?

It's given me access to books I never would have thought of and forced me to think about things I can change going on in my world.

You can sign up to become a Page Turner right here!

Meet Our Page Turners Intern: Annika Schafer!


We are so thrilled to welcome Annika Schafer as our first-ever Page Turners intern. Annika was our Student Volunteer of the Year last year and now she is stepping up to help us grow our exciting Page Turners program!

You can sign up to join Page Turners right here! Learn more about Annika below:

My name is Annika Schafer and I just started as Words Alive’s first-ever Page Turners Intern (picture of me and the book I'm writing curriculum for above)! I am beyond excited to work with you—our volunteers—on expanding the Page Turners program and getting some really amazing books into the Words Alive curriculum!

​​​​​​​A little bit about me: I am a junior at Wellesley college all the way across the country (outside of Boston, MA) but I was born and raised here in San Diego. That’s how I got to know Words Alive! I organized a Words Alive book drive in high school and went on to volunteer as an office volunteer and curriculum writer during my college breaks. They couldn’t get rid of me if they tried!

Then, when COVID-19 hit, I found myself back in San Diego with time on my hands to help out a whole lot more with the organization I had grown to love so much! ​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​You can reach me at [email protected] if you ever have any questions about the Page Turners Program—whether you are a new volunteer, you have questions while reading, or you have a book to suggest. I am excited to hear from you!

Happy reading!