A World Within Reach: A Message from Leslye Winkelman Lyons, Words Alive Founder

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Dear Words Alive Community,

I hope this note finds you safe and healthy. I think about all members of our Words Alive family daily. I am safely quarantined, with food in my fridge, writing in my book-filled office. Although ever grateful, my mind is constantly on those who don’t have enough to protect themselves or nourish their bodies and minds. As I look at my bookshelves, I am reminded of and surrounded by writers, characters, and stories that have fed my imagination...

Books connect us to ourselves. I remember reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn in my childhood bedroom in suburban Connecticut and deeply identifying with fictional Francie as she sat on her urban fire escape, realizing I wasn’t alone in my adolescent angst.

Books connect us to each other. Each month, as I volunteered to read aloud to Words Alive’s preschool students, I heard “the Words Alive lady is here” roaring through the classroom. The books I read not only connected me with the students, but also the students to letters, words, and concepts.

Books connect us to worlds, thoughts, and places we might never otherwise see. For so many of the youth we have reached over the years, their neighborhoods might be as far as they travel. The stories we share connect them with forests and mountains, with New York and Newfoundland, and with new concepts and ideas they haven’t yet imagined.

At Words Alive, for more than 20 years, books have been connecting us to those who need it most.  In the earliest days of Words Alive’s Adolescent Book Group, long before we had metrics and evaluations proving our impact, we wondered if our discussions held value for the students and their teachers. At the end of an early session at our first school, one of the students, a pregnant and homeless 9th grader, snapped her book shut and announced, “Well, that is the first book I ever finished.” That is when we knew we were on the right track.

In the ensuing years, our reach expanded exponentially. We built effective programs, leveraged our knowledge, and broadened our footprint. As of early March 2020, we were serving more than 5,000 students a month in classrooms in San Diego and Orange counties.

Now, merely weeks after the emergence of COVID-19, students, teachers, and families in all 50 states - and even some countries around the world - have come to rely on Words Alive’s ability to help them open opportunities to life success by inspiring a commitment to reading.  In that time period, more than 12,000 people have come to Words Alive for resources and support to help children and teens cope with, navigate, and eventually recover from this tragic upending of their young lives.

Our initial vision, one that was articulated at our first planning meeting more than two decades ago, was that we would create resources that would help a teacher in a small classroom in the middle of our country show her students how to connect to stories. Now, that is happening, over and over, each and every day. It is happening in the virtual classroom of the first-grade teacher in Boston who has embedded our daily story time into her curriculum. It is happening in Las Vegas where an elementary special education teacher is integrating our content into her co-teachers’ virtual classrooms to motivate students and complement district-issued packets. The list goes on and on.

Next Tuesday, May 5, is Giving Tuesday Now, a new global day of giving as an emergency response to COVID-19. You will, no doubt, receive many requests from worthy causes.  When it is time for you to determine your gifts, we hope you will take a moment to think about how and where books connect you. We hope you will join us, and the teacher in Boston, and the teenager about to complete her first book, in building a stronger community of readers.

To invest in Words Alive and our future readers, please click here to donate today.

Thank you for your interest, involvement, and support.

Stay safe. Stay healthy.

Leslye Winkelman Lyons

Words Alive Founder, Board Member Emeritus

Books Connect Us: April 24, 2020

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Through Words Alive’s response to COVID-19, “Book Connect Us,” we are sharing best practices from our 20+ year history to help children, teens, and families use the love of reading to navigate this turbulent time. Here are a few highlights from the past few days. 

Mark Oshiro and Matt de La Peña Take Over #BooksConnectUs!

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Words Alive is very excited to host authors Mark Oshiro and Matt de La Peña on #BooksConnectUs! This week Mark Oshiro desgined an exclusive writing lesson for our QuaranTEENS, check it out here.

Next Wednesday, April 29th, Matt de La Peña will be taking over Story Station on Facebook live with a reading of his book Love! After the reading make sure to check out the Story Station and QuaranTEENS pages for activities tying into the book!

Words Alive Celebrates Volunteer Appreciation Week!


This week is National Volunteer Week and we want to thank our volunteers for all of the passion, hard work, and dedication they bring to Words Alive!

We shared special thank you messages from our staff this week on social media. To hear our thanks, click here!

Read Aloud and Distance Learning!


Did you know more than 110 classrooms of children are virtually participating in our Read Aloud Program while at home? Words Alive wants to extend a very special thank you to one of our volunteers who partnered with Warwick’s in La Jolla and Run For Cover in Ocean Beach to donate books to kids in our program! The books will be sent directly to students’ homes to help build their home libraries and allow them to follow along with our Read Aloud content.

Are you interested in sponsoring our Read Aloud classes and helping children build their home libraries? We’ve got you covered! Email Robyn to get started.

Upcoming (Virtual) Events:

Join us for Story Station every weekday afternoon (2 pm PT on Facebook Live):

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4/27Rubia and the Three Osos by Susan Middleton Elya

4/28The Big Umbrella by Amy June Bates

4/29Love read by author Matt de La Peña

4/30Amelia & Elenor Go For A Ride by Pam Munoz Ryan

5/1¡Un día una señora se tragó unos libros! por Lucille Colandro

(Recordings are available on our Facebook page after the reading.)

Trending on #QuaranTEENS:

Top stories and activities trending this week on #QuaranTEENS:

1. Turn an Idea Into A Story by author Mark Oshiro

2. Stuck Inside, but Writing Outside the Box

3. DIY Mind Jar with Mindfully Empowered

Books Connect Us: April 17, 2020

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Through Words Alive’s response to COVID-19, “Book Connect Us,” we are sharing best practices from our 20+ year history to help children, teens, and families use the love of reading to navigate this turbulent time. Here are a few highlights from the past few days. 

Words Alive Worldwide!

Image of a child holding their hands up to their eyes while watching Words Alive Story Station.

Image of a child holding their hands up to their eyes while watching Words Alive Story Station.

With the jarring arrival of COVID-19, Words Alive knew our decades of experience could help children, teens, and families use the power of reading to cope with the imminent trauma and turbulence, but we didn’t realize just how many people we would reach. 

Since March 26, there have been more than 7,000 unique visitors to our website from every state and 21 countries. (This week we’re averaging 500+ each day!) In addition, we’ve hosted 18 live story times on Facebook that average 720 views each. We can confidently say we’re connecting more children and families to the power of reading than ever before – and we are humbled to do so during such a stressful time.

Want to help spread the word? Become a Words Alive Ambassador and share our resources with the loved ones in your life. Get started here.

Going the Distance!

Image of a student writing with a laptop open in front of them.

Image of a student writing with a laptop open in front of them.

Students are “returning” from spring break to find that Words Alive is embedded in their virtual classrooms. We worked with our teacher partners to launch exclusive virtual modules for more than 100 classrooms participating in our Read Aloud and Adolescent Book Group programs. These resources include videos of trained volunteers reading aloud to students, virtual and print books and resources, writing prompts and discussion questions, hosted online discussions, and interactive platforms for sharing work.

To learn how to bring these exclusive resources to your schools or classrooms, or to support this work, let us know you're interested here.

Mindfulness Mondays!

Starting Monday, April 13th, Words Alive launched an 8-week mindfulness series in partnership with Mindfully Empowered! 

Image of a Mindfulness Monday graphic! This one featuring a DIY activity to calm the mind.

Image of a Mindfulness Monday graphic! This one featuring a DIY activity to calm the mind.

We will “Make it Lit” by accompanying each post with a reading extension, journal prompt, or other writing activity. During this uncertain time, skills to manage stress and anxiety are more important than ever before. Words Alive and Mindfully Empowered are excited to help teens develop healthy coping skills through reading, writing, and creating together. Check out new activities every Monday here.

Upcoming (Virtual) Events:

Join us for Story Station every weekday afternoon (2 pm PT on Facebook Live):

4/20Chalk by Bill Thompson

4/21Hilda Must Be Dancing by Karma Wilson

4/22Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Elhert

4/23Interrupting Chicken by David Ezra Stein

4/24¿Es tu mama una llama? por Deborah Guarino

(Recordings are available on our Facebook page after the reading.)

Trending on #QuaranTEENS:

Image of our QuaranTEENS logo!

Image of our QuaranTEENS logo!

Top stories and activities trending this week on #QuaranTEENS:

1. History Happening Now

2. Stages of Coping with COVID-19

3. Journal Prompt: Hope

Books Connect Us: April 10, 2020

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Through Words Alive’s response to COVID-19, “Book Connect Us,” we are sharing best practices from our 20+ year history to help children, teens, and families use the love of reading to navigate this turbulent time. Here are a few highlights from the past few days. 

Reaching Coast to Coast


With the launch of Books Connect Us, Words Alive has seen an outpouring of individuals wanting to help!

We are excited to welcome our newest volunteers from California, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, and Virginia!  More than 50 new "virtual volunteers" have reached out to ask how they can help create content, read and review titles, coordinate virtual book drives, promote Books Connect Us, and more.

We rely on our community's expertise, passion, and commitment to help deliver exceptional programs and resources to families - and for your support we are truly grateful.

We’re hosting weekly virtual volunteer orientations. Click here to learn more.

Help Support our Westreich Scholars

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Last week, Words Alive hosted a virtual check-in with our young adult Scholars and Mentors to see how they are coping and what we can do to help.

Given the implications of the pandemic on schools, jobs, housing, and health, the Scholars in our Westreich Scholarship and Mentorship Program are leaning into their resilience to adapt to a "new normal." Many are struggling to access food, shelter, internet, and child care – making a shift to distance learning in their post-secondary program extremely challenging.

We are honored that our volunteer mentors are side-by-side with this year's cohort to help them creatively problem solve and prioritize their pursuit of education during this turbulent time.

You can support our 14 Scholars by investing in our mentorship program, signing up to become a mentor, and/or donations of grocery, meal delivery, or gas gift cards. Click here to find out how.

Story Station en Español & Upcoming (Virtual) Events!


¡Hola! ¿Quieres escuchar una historia? Join us on the Words Alive Facebook page for a special edition of Story Station every Friday at 2 p.m. PT as we feature a different a story in Spanish!

Are you interested in reading stories or creating resources in Spanish or another language?  Click here to get started!

Join us for Story Station every weekday afternoon (2 pm PT on Facebook Live):

4/13Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae

4/14Z is for Moose by Kelly Bingham

4/15We Do Not Eat Our Classmates by Ryan T. Higgins

4/16I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont

4/17Gracia, Sr. Panda by Steve Antony

(Recordings are available on our Facebook page after the reading.)

Trending on #QuaranTEENS

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Books Connect Us: April 3, 2020


Through Words Alive’s response to COVID-19, “Book Connect Us,” we are sharing best practices from our 20+ year history to help children, teens, and families use the love of reading to navigate this turbulent time. Here are a few highlights from the past few days. 

2,100 More Books on Their Way to Homes Across San Diego

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An image of two people loading lots of boxes of books into a big truck!

This week, Words Alive and Monarch School distributed 600 children's books to students. Last week Words Alive and Neighborhood House Association distributed 1,500 more children’s books to families at their meal distribution sites across San Diego!

In total, Words Alive has distributed more than 3,300 books to help build home libraries and provide comfort to our community in this uncertain time. We want to send a very special “thank you!” to all of our community partners for helping us bring stories to families across San Diego!

Want to help Words Alive give books to children in San Diego? Donate books using our Amazon Wishlist to ship books directly to us!

Virtual Volunteer Opportunity: Kids Reading to Kids!

A behind the scenes image of Eleanor Fryman reading for our new Kids Reading to Kids series.

A behind the scenes image of Eleanor Fryman reading for our new Kids Reading to Kids series.

This week, Words Alive’s Story Station launched our newest virtual volunteer opportunity: Kids Reading to Kids!

Do you know a child who might want to share a story with other kids who don't have access to books at home? Learn more here.

We pride ourselves on being volunteer-founded and volunteer-led, and are so excited to see our next generation of readers eagerly engaged!

Words Alive on TikTok!

Watch out world: Words Alive has joined TikTok - add us @WordsAliveSD!

TikTok is a video-sharing social network that is all the rage with teens and young adults.You can watch our first video, featuring Words Alive volunteer Bijan Nowroozian, on our #QuaranTEENS site here.

Share our TikTok with a teen or young adult in your life, and ask them to make a response to our challenge!

Upcoming (Virtual) Events!

An image of our Words Alive Story Station logo.

An image of our Words Alive Story Station logo.

Join us for Story Station every weekday afternoon (2 pm PT on Facebook Live):

4/6A Frog on A Log? by Kes Gray

4/7Bunny's Staycation by Lori Richmond

4/8Ribbit by Rodrigo Folgueira

4/9A Feast for Ten by Cathryn Falwell

4/10: ¿Se lo comió un oso?  by Robie H. Harris

(Recordings are available on our Facebook page after the reading.)

Learn more about Books Connect Us here!

Books Connect Us: An Introductory Guide!


As the effects of COVID-19 continue to evolve, we are wishing good health and peace to the greater Words Alive and San Diego community!  And as we continue to navigate this situation, we are writing to share free and engaging resources to continue connecting children, teens and families to the power of reading! 

Please use and share these ideas as ways to support learning, healing, and a sense of connection among your families, students, and communities! 

Visit our Books Connect Us page at www.wordsalive.org/booksconnectus, and check back often as new content is added daily. 

Here's a sneak peak: 

  • #QuaranTEENSWhere you'll find: 

    • Activities and writing prompts helping teens process and cope with impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as response poetry and 6-word memoirs. Fun challenges for teens on TikTok, live author talks, and virtual book discussions are coming soon! 

    • Collection of videos from YA authors and illustrators with insights into their experiences as writers and creators. 

  • Story StationWhere you'll find:

    • A growing collection of ready videos of wonderful stories read by both authors and Words Alive guest readers, many with links to ideas for extended activities that families can do together at home. Stories in Spanish are coming soon! 

    • Short videos for parents and caregivers about strategies they can use to help children connect with books and stories at home. 

    • Storytime on Facebook Live!: Join us every weekday at 2pm PST for a new, interactive storytime. Our first two have seen over 1,500 views and were a blast! Find us on Facebook at @WordsAliveSD. Please share with families, on social media, and with fellow educators.

From everyone at Words Alive, stay safe, be well, and we'll see you soon. 

Books Connect Us: Thursday, March 26, 2020

Through Words Alive’s “Book Connect Us” campaign, we are sharing best practices from our 20+ year history to help children, teens, families, and our community use the love of reading to navigate this turbulent time. Here are a few highlights from the past few days. 

Introducing Words Alive's Story Station

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This past Friday – taking from the best practices of our Read Aloud and Family Literacy Programs – we debuted Words Alive Story Station online! 

Local, award-winning children’s author, Marcie Colleen, joined in the celebration with a live reading of her book, Penguinaut! on Facebook Live. Tune into the Words Alive Facebook page weekdays at 2 p.m. PT for more great stories! You can watch Marcie read Penguinaut! here.

Interested in reading a children’s story on the Words Alive Story Station? Email Robyn to become a Story Station Conductor!

Virtual Volunteer Opportunity: QuaranTEENS

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Looking for a meaningful way to help teens navigate the impact of COVID-19, social distancing, and their new normal?

You can help create content for our new QuaranTEENS page. Leveraging some of the best ideas from our Adolescent Book Group, we’re looking for help creating journaling and creative writing prompts, arts and crafts ideas, author talks, discussion questions, and more to help support teens during this time.

Learn more about virtual volunteer opportunities here.

Building Home Libraries

There are children across San Diego sheltering in place without access to books in their homes. The Words Alive community is helping. 

We want to send a very special thank you this week to Lacy Crawford, who partnered with Warwick’s in La Jolla, to ship new books to a group of wonderful teens from our Adolescent Book Group. Lacy hopes to inspire others to support local independent businesses and provide books to children in our community who need them.

You can find more ways to help here.

Upcoming (Virtual) Events:

Join us for Story Station every weekday afternoon (2PM PT on Facebook Live):

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3/30Say Hello! by Rachel Isadora

3/31Truck Full of Ducks by Ross Burach

4/1Red: A Crayon’s Story by Michael Hall

4/2Dragons Love Tacos by Adam Rubin

4/3It’s Okay to Make Mistakes by Todd Parr

(Recordings are available on our Facebook page after the reading.)

QuaranTEENS events coming soon:

- Lesson Series on Fact vs. Fiction

- TikTok Challenge

- Cooking Show

Keep an eye on this blog for more weekly updates!

Words Alive Responds to COVID-19

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Dear Words Alive Community,

Words Alive was founded on the premise that our youth, even while facing extraordinary challenges, can – and will – benefit from the power of reading.  For over two decades Words Alive has shown that reading strengthens our mental well-being, creates positive changes in our lives, and builds community.  These lessons ring truer today than ever before. 

As we navigate the unprecedented situation caused by the COVID-19 virus, Words Alive is bringing our expertise and resources to the forefront to help our community use their love of reading to navigate this turbulent time.

Words Alive has expertise in areas where we are seeing need: resources to engage teens, helping families connect stories to the power of play, and access to books in San Diego’s homes.  In response, today we launch our "Books Connect Us" campaign with three new projects:

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QuaranTEENS:  An online platform designed to help teens address, cope with, and digest our current situation through reading and writing.  Teens will find author talks, writing prompts, stories, video challenges, and more on the site.

Story Station: Providing engaging online resources to help families create positive interactions despite stressful school and daycare closures.  Families will find live storytelling and recorded stories, accompanied by activities to encourage play and celebrate learning at home.

Book Deliveries: As families make brief stops around their neighborhoods, Words Alive is working to pre-position books at each location for their home libraries. In just the past 24 hours we have given away more than 1,000 books that families will find available at feeding sites and Little Free Libraries around San Diego.

Learn more about these projects here: www.wordsalive.org/booksconnectus.  Check back for daily updates with new content.

How You Can Help

Research shows us that readers, because we read, often have a strong understanding of our shared humanity and common struggles.  Today, we’re facing a common struggle unlike any we’ve seen before.  As a community of readers, we can act on our strengths and our love of reading to bring solace, comfort, and moments of normalcy to children, teens, and families.  Here are ways you can help.

1) Virtual and At-Home Volunteer Opportunities

We have a growing list of virtual and at-home opportunities to support #BooksConnectUs including:

  • Arts & Crafts*:  Help with craft and sewing projects

  • Book Drives*: Replenish our supply of books to fuel book deliveries with gently-used books or organize an online book drive using our Amazon Wishlist

  • Content Creators: Develop prompts, activities, and responses for our online Story Station & QuaranTEENS pages

  • Curriculum Writers: Write curriculum to support new titles to be added to our programs

  • Little Free Libraries*: Refill Little Free Libraries in your neighborhood with books from Words Alive

  • Page Turners: Read stories and complete short reviews to help us identify titles to include in our curriculum

  • Social Media: Share resources and opportunities with your network

For details, visit www.wordsalive.org/booksconnectus and click on Virtual Volunteer Opportunities.  Our volunteer coordinator, Robyn Grand, is ready to help and can be reached at [email protected].

*For projects that involve physical materials, Words Alive has a plan in place to observe precautions as outlined by the CDC, such as limiting contact, protecting skin, and observing quarantined timelines for surfaces.

2) Donate

This is hard to ask in such a volatile economic climate, but knowing the importance of the hope, inspiration, and resources Words Alive can deliver in the coming days and weeks:  Will you consider making a donation to Words Alive today?

I’d like you to consider joining those donors who make recurring monthly gifts, whether it be $5 or $500, which will enable us to plan and deliver Words Alive’s programs as our new normal continues to shift.

You can donate or set up your recurring gift online. Our donor engagement manager, Christina Meeker, is ready to help and can be reached at [email protected].

Our Words Alive community is strong, motivated, and deeply compassionate - and for that I, and our 8 person-staff, are deeply grateful.   If there is anything we can do to help or support you and your family, please do reach out.

Best wishes for health and safety,

Rachael Orose, MPA

Executive Director

p.s. The Words Alive staff is working remotely through this situation.  We are all best reached via email.  Our email addresses can be found online. You can also leave a message on our voicemail – 858-274-9673 –and we will do our best to return it as soon as possible.

Our Community Needs Books

Words Alive is committed to providing books to children in our community. Right now, the need is greater than ever.

Words Alive is collaborating with the Neighborhood House Association to provide book donations to families who are picking up food at meal distribution sites across San Diego. Words Alive is doing everything we can to get every single book we have out into the community in the next few weeks, and the books collected in recent book drives will help us do this. This means that we need your help to replenish our book shelves!

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You can help by getting a jump start on your Spring cleaning and going through your home library looking for used children’s and young adult books to donate. There are four types of books that Words Alive cannot accept: religious books, adult books, reference / text books, or damaged books. Once you’re ready to donate your books, email a picture of your donation (or a “shelfie” as we like to call it!) to [email protected]. We’ll coordinate a time for you to come drop off your donation at our warehouse.

If you’re unable to leave your house, don’t worry! You can do a virtual book drive from your house. Our Amazon Wishlist is full of titles we will use in our programs, and the books ship directly to the Words Alive office. You can help and invite friends to participate also!

Reading is an escape from reality, and now, more than ever, we are going to provide that necessary escape for our community. Join us!

How to Access Books Without Leaving Home!

We know that reading provides an incredible, and sometimes necessary, escape from reality. Now, as we navigate this unprecedented situation to keep all members of our society safe, we have resources to help the Words Alive community to find comfort in reading.  

Thanks to a number of amazing resources, you don’t have to leave your home to access books! You can use this new technology to download books and volunteer for Words Alive from the comfort of your own home. Words Alive Page Turners help us read and review books to use in our programs. Simply sign up for a book here and when you’re done review the book using this form

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Here’s a few ideas for where to get books with a few simple clicks. 


Libby is a public library app and allows you to borrow from a collection of thousands of ebooks and audiobooks right from your phone, all while supporting your local library! 

Here’s how to use it: 

  • Open your App Store and search for Libby. Download the app. 

  • The app will prompt you to answer the question: do you have a library card? Choose Yes or Not Yet and follow the prompts. 

  • Search for books! You can download e-books or audiobooks directly to your phone. 


Scribd is an app where you can access thousands of the best books, audiobooks, and more. All in one app. Due to the current situation, Sribd is making their entire library available to anyone, for free, for 30 days.

Here’s how to use it:

  • Open your App Store and search for Scribd. Download the app. Sign up.

  • You can also go directly to scribd.com and sign up there!


Audible is Amazon’s audiobook company and they are home to an unmatched selection of audiobooks. 

Here’s how to use it: 

  1. Open your App Store and search for Audible. Download the app. 

  1. Sign Up.  

  1. On your computer, go to www.audible.com. Browse and purchase an audiobook.  

  1. After purchasing, the book will appear in the Audible app on your phone and you can download it directly. 

  1. Start listening! 

Happy reading and stay safe!